A message from my heart…
Dear people,

If there is one thing all of us must realize, if we ever want to break through into a better world, it is that everything we know is a lie.Every single aspect of human existence has been hijacked and is totally infested with deception. Truth is, in fact, hard to find.Everyone among us who has a sincere longing for truth, will attest to this reality. There is deception and confusion everywhere, even in those areas where we thought we would find the truth. When we truly seek truth, we will discover it is sometimes almost impossible to find. Only those who persevere, pray harder than others, have a painfully humble heart, willing to be corrected continually, can find it.

It is of the utmost importance that we accept this. If we defend the lies we have been told, we will always remain on the dark side of history, fighting the wrong war.

We will defend the worst horrors in all of human history, because we cling to severe lies.

We will hate those that love what is good, because we don’t want to let go of our dark misconceptions.

We will persecute the messengers of truth, because we are too attached to our wrong beliefs.

There is no way forward, if we insist on clinging to the mindsets and beliefs of the old, dark, wicked world.

It doesn’t matter wether you are a spiritual person or not, the principles of the Scriptures are timeless and universal, when it says that humanity is under the rule of what is referred to as “the great dragon” or “the serpent of old”, which is “the father of lies”, and “he who deceives all the nations of the world”.

What does this mean? Lay aside your agnostic, naturalistic blindness for a while please, and understand that our world is far more spiritual than we have been told. In Africa, Asia, South America and Australia this is basic knowledge. It was the same in the rest of the world, until the elites told us to shut down all our inner senses, close our eyes, become deaf and senseless in our spirit, so that we would be utterly ignorant of the true dimensions that drive this world.

Meanwhile the same entities that closed our eyes for the unseen realms, have been extremely involved in it, because that’s where they get their power to rule the entire world, with unimaginable forces of deception.

We must wake up from this state of spiritual blindness and understand that there are dimensions far more real, and amazingly more powerful than the natural. Go to Mexico and Africa and talk to the native people there, and they will tell you how there are still witch doctors who can transform before your very eyes into different physical creatures. Missionaries in those areas testify to this. The spiritual realms can’t stop laughing at our stupidity and ignorance when it comes to the true forces that rule this realm.

So please listen to me. We must step out of this dark box of blindness, and learn about the realities that are all around us.

The Scriptures speak about a spiritual force, called “Dragon” and “Serpent” also referred to as “Satan”. Nobody truly knows what it is, but fact is that we see all around us the full blown reality of this influence.

It is called the “father of all lies” which means that deception originates within this entity.

There is also mentioning of a time where this entity will deceive all the nations of the world, and gather them in an all out assault against the Creator and His children. Do we see that today? If you haven’t been living under a rock, then indeed, that is apparent. Virtually single nation of the world is joining the World Health Organization to create a world dictatorship, under the guise of health emergencies. All nations listen to the United Nations and are all influenced by the World Economic Forum. All the nations are under the rule of the WorldBank and Bank of International Settlements.

And all these organizations have one common goal: submit the entire world to their evil rule.

So indeed, we see that there is a worldwide gathering of all the nations into a historically unprecedented assault on both humanity and its Creator.

These powers have been preparing this for centuries. And we are experiencing their climax, where the plan of seizing total ownership of everything on earth, every single soul, is being executed.

For this purpose, they have been lying to us, in even the tiniest details of our life. Also about our religious beliefs. I should say, especially concerning everything spiritual.

First they needed to mold our minds according to their agenda, so we would support it wholeheartedly.

There is however good news as well. The same Scriptures that describe this agenda, also outline the final end of this entity, and how all who join with him, will be the subject of severe judgment. A world is promised without the presence of this force of deception and death, a world where goodness and love will reign. You can read about this in Revelation 20, the last book of the Bible.

I have profound reason to believe this is the time we are in and I plan on making an in depth report and documentary about this in the future. So before you – who has never studied this, but who simply accepted what some guy on TV or in a book told you – start attacking me, calm down, take a deep breath and understand what I am saying: everything we currently believe is infested with lies.

If we want to find the truth, we need to study much deeper, and have the courage to listen to those who have gone before us, to dive onto the depths of these topics. Listen and learn, and then you can come to your conclusions.

Don’t be a judge who refuses to see the evidence in a case, and who makes an unjust ruling based on ignorance.

In due time all will be revealed, step by step. But I am writing this to prepare you. If you insist on defending the lies that you have accepted, in the course of your existence, then you will become an enemy of truth and a defender of the satanic plots.

Take Israel for example. It are Zionist Jews (who are not real Jews, according to the standards of Scripture) who gave humanity vaccines. It are Zionist Jews who run the vaccine companies. It are Zionist Jews who run the CDC and FDA. It are Zionist Jews who control the News Media, as they are the heads of the global elites.

Everything we know is evil, is run by the same Zionist Jewish families. Just look it up (use search engine Yandex). You wil be amazed.

Many of us are aware of the horrors caused by the vaccines. But we fail to understand that these vaccines that we know are evil, are brought to us by the same people who founded and funded Israel. It is for that reason that Israel was the first nation in the world to exclude the unvaccinated from society.

Are you waking up yet?

Why do so many of us defend Israel, while it is funded and founded by the exact same people who give us the vaccines and pandemics?

I know this is shocking but it is the truth.

The heads of the globalist elites are all Zionist Jews. All of them. They all hold dual citizenship with Israel.

It’s all about Israel. It’s all about Israel. It’s all about Israel.

That’s where they want to establish the one world government. In Jerusalem. And that is the very reason why they have infiltrated the religions of the world, with the mindset that there will come a World Savior who will bring world peace, and who will reside in Jerusalem. Both in Christianity as in Judaism, Islam and Buddhism, all religions have this concept.

It’s all about Israel. That’s why Israel has become the world center for mass mind control of all of humanity through the Mossad, who works closely with the CIA and MK6. But the headquarters are in Israel.

Israel is also behind Facebook, where all major positions of leadership are held by Zionist Jews, and Marck Zuckerberg is also a Zionist Jew.

Israel has also become a world center for extreme sexual perversion, and is the world’s #1 haven for pedophiles who can find safety in Israel from prosecution. It hosts the largest pride parade in the entire Middle East and Tel Aviv equals San Francisco in terms of sexual wickedness. All in a few decades!

This state has nothing whatsoever to do with the Israel described in Scripture, rather it is the exact opposite of everything Israel stands for, when we read the Bible.

But billions of religious people were brainwashed to give all their money to this state and blindly support everything it does. It’s unbelievable. That’s how strong the power is of this dragon or serpent, the father of all deception, who deceives all the nations of the world.

It can literally turn billions of Christians away from truth and make them passionate and fierce worshippers of the very heart of this dragon.

But it won’t stay like this. The truth is breaking through and the end is approaching of this evil force. Make sure you are not part of his army that marches to plunge mankind into the abyss of darkness. Turn from evil, shake off the lies, choose what is true and right, and become part of the true nation of the Creator, which is a reality of love for all people without a trace of racism.

We all have a choice whom we will serve. The choice is ours to make.

Be wise what you do.

David Sorensen

PS: I am shocked at the amount of intense hatemail I receive whenever I speak this truth. But I won’t be silenced. If you appreciated my efforts, then please support our mission. Thank you so much. Together we can defeat this dragon and deliver humanity from its poisonous influence.