Proof The CDC Knowingly Lied When Claiming The mRNA Vaccines “Reduce Hospitalizations And Deaths.”

Twitter user @TheChiefNerd recently compiled published evidence supporting my assertion that the vaccinated were systematically being documented as unvaxxed when entering U.S hospitals.

JAN 31


**Please follow @TheChiefNerd on Twitter, their posts are always excellent and informative, and their work on the below issue belied a deep search and reading of the published literature. Note also that his tweet thread on the topic received 1.4 million views and my retweet alone received 223,000 views.

Let’s start with recalling this meme:

In the above, I highlighted the last remaining “narrative” that the corporate controlled CDC and media desperately clung to over the past two years in order to be able to continue to coerce the U.S population into submitting to an experimental nanoparticle gene therapy.

Note these tumbling narratives were all directed at combatting vaccine hesitancy, which, from the pandemic simulation exercise “Event 201,” was the primary objective of the vaccinators.

Also, remember that, of the more ridiculous attempts to promote this last remaining narrative, Fauci and Walensky repeatedly claimed that 99% of patients in hospital and dying were the unvaccinated. They literally did this with a straight face, knowing that they were including in their numerator all the deaths that occurred prior to the start of the vaccination campaign.

Yup, if you died in 2020, before the vaccines were rolled out, those two reported you as dying in an unvaccinated status. Not subtle. But their faulty arithmetic was not the only lie. At the time of that narrative launch, during a lecture, a CDC slide deck mistakenly showed a slide which revealed that 26% of patients in U.S hospitals were vaccinated (not 1%). But this number was falsely and fraudulently lower than the actual number. By a long shot. Hence the point of this post and not Fauci’s and Wolensky’s absurd “arithmetic.”