Rick and Carolyn Kiesz, renowned pamphleteers from the northwest U. S. and publishers of the PATRIOT ADVOCATE, are our guests at “Musings” this month — each with a brief but pertinent message of the day.


of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Con-stitution for the United States of America.

So there you have it — the Framers of the Constitution wrote the Preamble to the Constitution as from WE THE PEOPLE, putting the responsibility on WE THE PEOPLE to hold government officials accountable. That responsi-bility was not given to anyone else, so WE THE PEOPLE must use whatever means necessary to accomplish our duty. Unfortunately, America is filled with citizens who stand on the sidelines unaware, or unconcerned, with what is happening to our Nation. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Congressman James Garfield, prior to being elected the 20th U.S. President in 1880, provided this thoughtful analysis in 1876: “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them.”

I agree with James Garfield, it is the duty of WE THE PEOPLE to insure that we have intelligent, honest legis-lators who uphold the Constitution.  

Jeff Agenbroad, former member of the Idaho State Senate, wrote a commentary for the Idaho Capital Sun about the 2023 Idaho legislative session. Agenbroad said, “To assess their performance, you must decide what kind of representation you expect from your legislators.

  • Do they represent your values?

  • Does their behavior reflect our community standards?

  • Do they listen & respond to you and other constituents?

  • Will they engage in a civil conversation in areas of dis-agreement or will they resort to childish name calling?

  • Whom do they listen to?

  • Have they signed a pledge to any groups outside of their constituents?

  • Did they get anything done, any legislation passed, or were they just an attention grabbing loud voice?”

Mr. Agenbroad’s list exposes his ignorance of the Con-stitutional Oath that every legislator recites. Not one of his questions above, about legislators, refers to “defending and supporting” the Constitution. The Idaho Capital Sun pub-lished this “fluff” piece, not even caring about what the Oath of Office requires. This type of ignorance is rampant throughout the United States. No wonder our Nation is in such disarray. WE THE PEOPLE have a duty to demand Constitutional obedience from our representatives.

WE THE PEOPLE must use all means we have at our disposal to rein-in ALL the scoundrels operating within the government, both elected and appointed. No one else will put an end to these con men. It’s up to WE THE PEOPLE. Phone calls or emails are easy, but seldom have much effect. On the other hand, paid lobbyists make personal visits to legislators and “bribe” them, which has a history of working very well. Town halls and open public meetings have some influence. Peaceful protests have worked — one of the reasons LBJ decided not to run for re-election was that the anti-war protests bruised his massive ego. Protest must be done in a way to get the attention of public officials as well as the news media. The last portion of the First Amendment says “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” If protests don’t work, engaging in civil disobedience, dissent or nullification is lawful. Citizens are not required to obey laws, rules, regulations or mandates that are NOT Constitutional.                              ~ Rick Kiesz



Women — They’re on their own now!

Rush Limbaugh used to talk about “the National Asso-ciation of Gals,” (NAGS) when referring to the National Organization of Women (NOW) whenever they should have spoken out, but didn’t. WHERE ARE THEY TODAY? 

Women are under assault again. It blows my mind how anyone thinks it’s okay for men to play any competi-tive sport against women, after all women went through to get Title IX. Women’s sports weren’t considered important. Male athletes got all the scholarships and their teams got promoted, but NOT women. Title IX became mandatory in ’78, after years of battles. Finally women and girls got equal opportunities in sports that once only men and boys got.

Today discrimination has again reared its ugly head in sports and “Lia” Thomas is the perfect example of this. William Thomas began swimming at age five. HE swam as a MALE on his high school team, then swam on the University of Pennsylvania’s male swim team 2017 – 2020. The university let HIM swim on their women’s team after HE had hormone replacement therapy. HE competed as “female” in 2021 – 22. HE was ranked 462 in the Nation as a male swimmer. After joining the women’s team HE ranked Number 1. HE’s the best woman because “POOF” HE “identifies as a female?” Not only does the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) allow this man to compete against women, HE’s also allowed into women’s locker/shower rooms to flaunt HIS “full frontal male nudity.” The NCAA rewards him with trophies and accolades. WHY? Apparently, because HE “thinks he’s female.” In one race, HE tied collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines and the NCAA gave Thomas the trophy and Gaines got some lame excuse. Riley Gaines worked hard and competed many years and she deserved that trophy MORE than Thomas, because she tied someone with a HUGE advantage. Men are stronger than women. But, the NCAA let HIM stand on that podium and Ms. Gaines was ignored and belittled.

What I’d like to know is: WHERE are all those women who marched with such determination to support other women who were discriminated against in sports and education? WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY NOW? 

Why is this happening? It’s because someone has con-vinced people that if some man is deranged enough to believe that he is actually a woman, EVERYONE needs to accept his delusion. There are men’s and women’s teams because it is UNFAIR otherwise. But now the “woke” say that men can compete as women? BULL-ROAR! 

It isn’t hate when parents don’t want their daughters exposed to males in locker rooms or restrooms. It isn’t hate that SCIENCE identifies only MALES and FEMALES. I have empathy for those who suffer from delusions. I don’t hate them, but they SHOULD NOT ruin sports for girls and women. The LGBTQ “stuff,” and the so-called “gender affirming crap” is an artificial construct promoted to divide people and designed to break down society and culture. 

I’m 75 this year. I was alive when MLK marched for racial equality. I saw the inequality in women’s sports and education prior to Title IX. The Emperor is NAKED and I don’t care if HE thinks HE’s a SHE. Men and boys SHOULD NOT be allowed to ruin women and girl’s sports just because some people are delusional.  

SPEAK UP! Write to universities who violate Title IX. Write to schools who allow boys in girls bathrooms. Attend school boards. Do what you can to fight this INSANITY. Every school and university that allows men/boys on women/girls teams MUST lose ALL Federal Funding and they MUST BE publicly shamed! The NCAA MUST BE publicly denounced! 

Listen to people like Martina Navratilova, considered one of the greatest female tennis players of all time (a lesbian), who says “trans identified male athletes have no place in women’s sports!” Additionally, listen to Caitlynn Jenner, formerly one of the greatest male athletes of all time, Bruce Jenner, now a trans woman. Caitlynn says to continue allowing male athletes to compete against women in sports will RUIN women’s sports. Speak out. As Riley Gaines says, “Silence is Complicity!”        ~ Carolyn Kiesz