Dr Mark Trozzi

Honest | Ethical | Medical Doctor

Microscopy: Covid Jabs / Red Blood Cell Damage

5 minute video demonstration; plus detailed evidence files.

Thanks to Dr Richard Fleming for this microscopic evidence. It shows human red blood cells  consistently damaged by exposure to the Covid-19 “vaccine” injections.

Here is a 5 minute video looking through the microscope

Additionally Dr Fleming’s  detailed  video-documentation files, which are indexed here, are very special. They establish these findings to scientific and legal standards. Thank You Dr Fleming.

Friends, please share this especially among our  informational and legal teams. It will help us end the injection-crimes-against-humanity. It is  solid, easy to follow, evidence of harm.

Dr R. Fleming Covid “Vaccines” and Human Red Blood Cell analysis series video-documentation.

They establish these findings to scientific and legal standards. Thank You Dr Fleming. Friends, please share this especially among our  informational and legal teams.  It is  thorough evidence of one aspect of the harm from these injections.

Subjects 1-4

Additional video-documents:

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