Ed Hendrie says:

The problem with AE for 9/11 Truth is that the organization seems to function as a gatekeeper to keep out the truth. The truth is that directed energy was used to take down the towers. The following is AE for 9/11 Truth founder Richard Gage’s slanderous take on Dr. Judy Wood and her evidence of directed energy.
Gage calls the evidence of directed energy “disinformation.” Where have we heard that before? Listen to Gage’s ridiculous explanation of the dustification of the steel spires.
On his organization’s website, AE theorizes that “[t]he spire clearly simply fell after being “shaken” — most likely by explosive charges, leaving behind, in mid-air, the pulverized concrete that had been resting on, or statically stuck to, the steel.”
Gage and AE actually want you to believe that the dustification of the steel spires is simply an optical illusion where dust is being knocked off the spires. He would have you believe that vertical spires of steel had massive amounts of concrete dust accumulated on their vertical sides. It had to be massive amounts of concrete to accomplish the optical illusion for which Gage argues, to give the appearance that the spires are turning to dust. What was the mechanism for this massive concrete dust attachment? Wait for it … “resting, or statically stuck.” Really? AE takes the position: “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” If you believe AE, I have some land in Florida in which you might be interested.
Attached is a chapter from my book, 9-11 Enemies Foreign and Domestic that summarizes the directed energy evidence.
Edward Hendrie