This GUY stays on top of it!

From: Guy Miller
Date: 10/21/2022 2:03 PM
Subject: Watcher report; disappearing; Bannon; NYT
Well, the first day of early voting went smoothly at the voting station I watched.  The site judge was fair and competent, and her staff were well trained and diligent. In fact, because I presented myself in a non-threatening way, it turned out the poll workers were happy someone was interested in their jobs and how they took care of business.
At the close of their 14-hour day, they were all anxious to go home, but they were professional in their shut-down procedures.  I have full confidence that the voters were authentic, that their votes were recorded accurately, and that the paper ballot receipts were secured and delivered to the country Board of Elections safely.
At this one early voting venue, I have no worries that any shenanigans are afoot.  With so many of the races in North Carolina having an impact on national politics, this one site seems proper and fair.
Yesterday I told you about the disappeared journalist, James Gordon Meek.  He was an investigative journalist working for ABC News, who hasn’t been seen since August.
Not a peep from his employer in two months since he was taken from his home by the FBI SWAT squad.
This is how things are done in Iran, the Peoples Republic of China, Cuba, and Venezuela.  Someone in the First Amendment business gets too close to the truth and steps on the toes of an administration official, and BAM!  The journalist is seized by government forces, and never heard from again.
This story should frighten the hell out of everyone reading these words.  If someone in the radical Marxist government of the Democrat Party decides they don’t like what you are doing, government forces smash your door down, and you are disappeared off the face of the planet, never to be seen or heard from again.
Welcome to the criminal world of the Democrat Party.  Absolutely no one is safe.  VOTE DEMOCRAT ! ! (and remain slaved).
From the Babylon Bee today:
Spelling Bee:  “Woman”
More [you can search on each of these you-tube videos]:

Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record

Woman Driving Alone In Carpool Lane Claims Preferred Pronoun Is ‘They’

Satan Responds To Roe v. Wade Overturn

Steven K. Bannon has been sentenced to eight months in Federal penitentiary for two counts of failing to kiss Liz Cheney’s ass, to be served concurrently.
Bannon was convicted by a DC jury of diehard Democrat Party partisans of being associated with President Trump, being suspected of being a Near-Nazi who supports MAGA, and suspected of being in the Washington, DC area on January 6, 2021.  All these offenses merit Capitol punishment, but the judge showed mercy on the convicted Enemy of the State, Steve Bannon.
Some of you may recall when we lived in the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America.  Back then there was recognition of Due Process, Executive Privilege [a radical invention of that white slave owner George Washington], and the Bill of Rights.
All these principles have been dumped on the ash heap of history by the radical Marxist Bolsheviks who have seized power over the nation formerly known as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  “Death To America ! !”
You cannot make this stuff up.  Electronic version of the New York Times this morning reports that both increasing taxes and lowering taxes are effective ways of reducing inflation.
“When the government pares down spending, it effectively lessens demand for the goods and services that it is no longer paying for, whether it’s food, military equipment or health care. Similarly, when the government raises taxes, it pulls money out of people’s pockets, also reducing spending and demand.”
The UK’s double-digit inflation just reported will provide a test bed for the NYT theory.  The Marxist Democrat Party is carefully watching to learn how to replicate the UK financial experience.
On that happy note, I close for today.