.The Real Anthony Fauci (

Comments (4)

  1. Greg Norris

    I couldn’t take more than half an hour of this propaganda film. It has Communist psyop written all over it. The “masks are like the stars that Jews were given during the Holohoax”. Please, give me a break. Trump is an anti-Zionist, again give me a break. Trump was given the title by the apartheid state of Israel as their new Cyrus. Trump is anything but an anti-Zionist. Too many Jews in the film such as Naomi Wolf and the Holohoax survivor. This is pure propaganda people. Nothing new here at all.

    1. Pat Shannan (Post author)

      We certainly do not disagree. However, the purpose of the post was to alert those jabbees not to take any more boosters, assuming they are not too late already.

      1. Greg Norris

        If that was your only purpose, couldn’t you have made a real film exposing the number of Jews behind the Pharmaceutical industry who became billionaires off of the plandemic? Couldn’t you have exposed that World Economic Forum us a from for the Jewish Communist New World Order? You can’t solve the problem until you start understanding there is a true agenda here, a Jewish agenda of totalitarian control. As Kanye correctly pointed out, Jews control banking. When you control banking of every country in the world, you control the politicians. We have the trappings of a democratic Republic, but in reality we are being pushed around by the Ziogarchy. Make a film about that. Interview great Catholic scholars like E. Michael Jones and Michael Hoffman who have studied Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism deeply and know that Revolution is a freemasonic (Jewish Kabbalaism for the goyim) backed ploy to usher in their Satanic Zionist Freemasonic New World Order in which all the goyim are only allowed to be atheists. Just like the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, they tried to trun Russia into an atheist state, except for of course all the synagogues which went unmolested. You are not helping the people by telling half truths and hiding the real agenda. The Zionist New World Order is the attempt by the Jews and their Noachide freemasonic followers to replace Jesus Christ’s New World Order which Christians call the New Covenant. Those are hard facts to refute when you start digging deep.

        1. Pat Shannan (Post author)

          We didn’t make this film or any others published here, but if you want to produce one covering your concerns, we will be happy to post it.

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