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THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE #84: Harvard Study finds COVID-19 LETHAL INJECTIONS 98 times more effective at killing people than the so-called ‘virus’ 
That my loose transliteration of the headline of the article found here stating that scientists from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, in a new study currently in pre-print, reveals that the COVID-19 death shots were up to 98 times worse than the ‘virus’ so-called which they were falsely (deceptively) touted to prevent… duh!! 
It’s getting harder by the day for me to reports stories like this. Trying to comes to grips with the fact that there are still people that need to see these things (obvious realities) officially declared in print before they will believe them is really starting to wear on me. And, even then, some are so thoroughly spiritually deceived they still won’t accept it!
Is there really anybody over the past 2+ years that’s been so oblivious, so clueless, so asleep behind the wheel that they didn’t see what so many others of us saw so clearly… that the COVID-19 shots were bio-weaponized mechanisms of slow death that in some instances killed immediately? Of course, that’s a rhetorical question. Sadly I know there are millions of people who failed to see the truth and instead believed they could trust the Beast and take it’s mark. My own brother, George was one of them. And still there are others in my own family awaiting unknowingly their own self imposed fate. What can I say to them? Indeed, what can any of us say to any of them?
Welcome to The Great Tribulation of 2020. Currently, nearly 3 years in… and we ain’t seen nothin yet!
For your learning, edification and spiritual awakening, 
William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ