To all my family and friends, especially those who took the COVID injection:
If for no other reason than out of respect to my brother George, I ask you to please read this message carefully.
On 8-17-22, my younger brother George went home to be with his Creator. While it was a shock to hear the news, it was no surprise. You see George had gotten the COVID shot and was up on his boosters. And in light of the many indications pointing to the shot being what killed him, I have no reason to believe otherwise. But George was not the first of our family to die after getting the deadly COVID injection.
A few months back we had a young mother in her 40’s suddenly pass. Two of her doctors said the COVID injection was responsible. Also recently, we learned that another family member, after taking the shot with two boosters, now has clots in both legs and lungs. That is why I’m sending this critical appeal to a small group of friends and family who’ve told me you also took the COVID shot: a deadly injection which medical experts are telling us should never be referred to as a ‘vaccine’… because it’s not!
Some of you told me you were coerced while others were deceived into believing the shot was safe, effective and the best (right) thing to do so others around you would be protected. Obviously, that was a lie. Perhaps if you had been given complete full disclosure in advance as required by law, you may have decided differently? I don’t know. And so, for your own sake, and for those of us who love you, I beg you to please read and weigh carefully everything my conscience now demands I must tell you. Whatever you choose to think of me for telling you all this doesn’t matter in light of the urgency I feel to tell you these things… things you obviously have either not been told or chose to ignore. So here they are.
There are realities – hidden realities – about the shot you took.
Massive numbers of people are now dead because they decided, for whatever reason, to take this lethal injection. You’ll never hear about that if the TV, radio and newspapers are your trusted sources of information. But again, whoever you choose to trust is totally your choice.  As for me, one of my most trusted sources is a PhD statistician named Steve Kirsh whose Substack reveals the following:
Hidden reality 1: As of August 12, 2022, the CDC acknowledges 30,000 deaths with 1,385,398 adverse reactions directly attributed to the COVID-19 shot. These are not ‘conspiracy theories’, but rather the government’s own official numbers;
Hidden reality 2: The Lazarus Report (Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Inc.) as far back as 2009 found that only 1% of all adverse events from vaccines are actually recorded in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS);
Hidden reality 3: 12 billion doses of COVID-19 injection have been administered worldwide with 600 million in the US, of which somewhere between 5 to 12 million worldwide are now dead attributed to the shot;
Hidden reality 4: There are possibly 10,000 people worldwide dying every day post injection;
Hidden reality 5: Heart attacks and clots are the leading adverse events reported after taking the injection with those dead including young children, athletes in their physical prime and healthy adults like my brother George;
Hidden reality 6: Clots caused by these (spike protein) injections do not consist of ‘blood’ but are rather fibrous, self-assembling (according to their drug company patents) nano-metallic strands which have a totally dissimilar structure and composition to human blood. Thus, they are not blood clots. These findings were determined and confirmed independently by two different certified testing laboratories in the U.S. and Germany.
Hidden reality 7: These mRNA, gene altering (spike protein) shots are not by definition ‘vaccines’, but are deceptively called such to make people believe they have some inherent protection to keep you from getting sick when in reality they disable the immune system causing the exact opposite to happen.
And the list of these hidden realities goes on ad nauseam.
Notwithstanding all this bad news, here’s the most important information I have for YOU right now.
These shots are trackable by their batch and lot numbers and it’s been documented that certain batches have higher adverse events reported than others. While the makers of these lethal injections are purposely concealing the ingredients, it doesn’t seem to be too hard to find out which batches went where and how one stacks up against another regarding the adverse events attributed to them. In some instances, is seems that some of these batches were nothing more than harmless placeboes while others were effectively lethal injections – literally a game of Russian Roulet! See what I mean about the ‘full disclosure” thing mentioned earlier?
So where does this leave YOU now? One way to find out would be to learn the lot and batch number from the bottle you got your injection from. In light of what I’m telling you here, I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to know what they got… can you? A while back I found a web site – and there’s probably more by now – where you can track the percentage of adverse events by their batch numbers. Places where some of these batches went people dropped like flies. Others fared much better in other locations – all part of the strategy, I believe, to obfuscate, confuse and control the masses through fear.
If whoever gave you your injection refuses to provide you the information about your batch, it should be abundantly clear at that point you’ve been victimized. What you feel you need to do after that is entirely up to you. All I can do is my part to inform you of these things and help you get whatever resolve in the matter you can… if you want it. Sadly, I know some of you won’t care and will be happy to go on living with this loaded gun at your head. Again, that’s totally your choice.
If you’re not in denial about all this and willing to reach out for a lifeline before it’s too late, there may be hope. If you got the spike protein lethal injection, time is not on your side and you need to do whatever you can as soon as you can. If I can help you learn more definitively what you actually got, I will be happy to do so. But please, don’t fool yourself into believing you don’t have anything to be concerned about if you took the shot. You made a bad decision. Please don’t make it worse by pretending you didn’t. You have friends and family who love you. Don’t let your pride cause them the unbearable pain of losing you.
I will miss George more than words can say. There’s nothing more I can do for him now than what I know he would want me to do… which is to warn YOU. And that’s why you’re getting this message from me today.
With love and genuine concern,
(William Raymond)

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  1. Ann

    Thank you.

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