The WorldCoal Burning Plants 

The EU has 468 – building 27 more..  …   Total of 495

Turkey has 56 – building 93 more… ….      Total 149

South Africa has 79 – building 24 more…  Total 103

India has 589 – building 446 more..          Total 1035

The Philippines has 19 – building 60 more… Total 79

South Korea has 58 – building 26 more… Total of 84

Japan has 90 – building 45 more…            Total 135

China has 2,363 – building 1,171 more… Total = 3,534

That’s 5,615 projected coal-powered plants in just 8 countries.

USA has 15 – building 0 more…Total = 15

This is EXCELLENT!! I knew the rough idea about the number of coal plants but had not yet seen actual numbers until now, and Democrat politicians with their “green new deal” want to brainwash us and shut down those 15 plants in order to “save” the planet.

This makes the point. Whatever the USA does or doesn’t do won’t make a Tinker’s Damn regarding CO2 unless the rest of the world, especially China and India reduce their coal-fired power plants as well.

The whole “global warming” and “climate change” gambits by Democrats are to create a *supposedly* sound, scientific basis to justify a federal government power-grab and the passage of MORE laws to increase taxes and increased control of the privately-owned power industry and its distribution. Never forget the *main* motivation they have!

“Oh, we will SAVE the planet!!”

WAKE UP AMERICA !!!! We are being played …. again !!!

 *Please distribute generously!

Wonder where we will be getting our energy supply in the future without coal generating the electricity? After all…, we fear nuclear energy, and the initial cost is prohibitive. Anything that is renewable doesn’t generate enough power. I mean…, won’t we be needing electricity with all of these electric cars on the road plus our communities electrical needs? What a scam by the radical democrat party. What an evil-evil, malevolent scam that they have perpetrated so that they can control us from birth to death. Be damned capitalism – it isn’t equitable enough – the government is going to be our teat now – ya know socialism – the system that has failed everywhere that it has been initiated and instituted.

Wonder how the middle class democrats are going to feel when their taxes reach 70%. These are the kind of taxes that the EU has been levying on their citizens for years –  of course leading to their culture and economic regression for years – can you name the EU’s most recent innovative achievement that has improved the welfare of humankind? Oh!!, but they have been happy for years being taken care of by the government – having a meaningless existence without showing the satisfying progress that only “free enterprise” and reasonable taxes can give you. Believe me I know the human spirit. I could be lazy and unproductive in a New York second. However…., I do know that it would dampen my spirit and do away with any of my inherent personal creative abilities.
This November will be our last chance to reverse some of this madness – only if the Republican’s, for one minute, can forget about the lobbyists and special interest groups that they owe. Frankly, judging by recent…, I don’t think that they possess the chutzpah…..
Dick Bachert