If you are as hard-headed as the friends and relatives he describes, just listen to the last half to save your “valuable” time.

Pureblood here, though my decision to not cooperate with the mask, test and jab madness cost me basically everything, including my job, friends and family. In my direct surrounding I know of at least 6 people affected. One ex-colleague dead (murder by protocol – ventilator + remdesivir). One acquaintance dead (died 3 days after the shot due to heartfailure at 42 years old. One friend developed a tumor within 10 days of taking the first dose, immuno compromised. My 88 year old mother fell due to brainfog and fractured her leg and arm. My 88 year old father, 6 months prior to my mother, same. Coincidentally shortly after getting a jab. Posing there may be correlation between the injuries/deaths and the jabs or the use of remdesivir cost me relationships such as family, friends and my ex employer. Each and every single one accused me of being conspiracy theorist, despite I pointed them to stacks of evidence that counter argue the approved dictatorial narative. When I ask whether they educated themselves about the history of mRNA, the history of big pharma, the history of big tech and big government, when I ask whether they have read UN’s Agenda 2030, Event 201 reports, SPARS pandemic 2025-2028, Crimson Contagion….the answer is at all times “No, too difficult and would take too much time”. When I ask them to listen to dr. Bahkti, dr. Malone, dr. McCullough, Catherine Austin Fitts, dr. David Martin I get replies like “those people are nobodies, never heard of them so likely they are quacks”. Sigh, instead of a pandemic of a coronavirus, there is a pandemic of Stockholm syndrome. Everyone has been put to sleep by the pushed happy chappy, virtuesignaling BS coming to us through MSM and social media 24/7. It is a strong mind with pure morals and principles that can recognize and defend against the perpetual brainwashing operation. All I know is that jabbed or not, the world is in for a nasty ride the coming decade.

Comment (1)

  1. Harold

    Sounds like me. But I have been called weird for a long time. The “brainwashing” (I call it “dirtying”) has really worked on so many good people.

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