1. If boys don’t learn, men won’t know.

2. Do not take a sip from another man’s drink.

3. Always know the difference between calling a woman sexy and calling her beautiful.

4. People who say real men don’t like ice cream obviously don’t know any real men.

5. The taker may eat better. But the giver always sleeps better.

6. The difference between wanting and achieving is discipline.

7. Real men don’t dance to other people’s tunes, instead, they play for others to dance.

8. Never let your friend drive home drunk. Drive him home or call him a taxi.

9. Never forget who helped you out when everyone else was making excuses.

10. A real man is one who fears the death of his heart, not his body.

Comment (1)

  1. Gordon S Watson

    a real man takes the time + trouble to find out what circumcision really is. then does his utmost to prevent such a blood sacrifice from damaging boys. Thus, helping men and their future wives.

    investigate Intact-ivism. There’s a lot to learn. Profoundly important for the individual and for society. Especially, Christians

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