Dinesh D’Souza Dares Jan. 6 Committee to Air His Movie “2000 Mules” at Public Hearing and Try to Refute It

In May Dinesh D’Souza and Salem Media released the much-anticipated movie “2000 Mules” on the 2020 presidential election heist. The movie revealed how thousands of ballot traffickers working in all of the battleground states stuffed hundreds of thousands of ballots into the ballot drop boxes in order to steal the presidential election for Joe Biden.

“2000 Mules” revealed the extraordinary work by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and business owner and election intelligence expert Gregg Phillips.

Catherine and Gregg told The Gateway Pundit that they discovered that 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election.   The investigators told us their evidence will be released following the movie launch next month.

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The number of trafficked ballots exceeds the margin of victory for Joe Biden in several battleground states including Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.  Without these ballots, and not counting the thousands of other stolen ballots in the 2020 election, President Donald Trump would have easily won his reelection.

The mainstream media has either ignored the film or pushed shallow easily debunked arguments on the findings discussed in the documentary.