You might find it interesting to note that our military is no longer ours.  While visiting a military installation yesterday which shall go unnamed, I spoke with a very knowledgeable government employee, who shall also go unnamed, and asked her permission to ask her a politically incorrect question.  When she acquiesced, I asked her the following:  “What is the demographic make up of the members of the military on this base”.  She said, without hesitation, “About half are Mexican [not “Hispanic”, but “Mexican”], one-fourth are Negro and one-fourth are ‘American’ [By “American”, she meant caucasian/European=American]”. This lady was in a position to know and has been in that position for a number of years.  I had never met her before.

As I have been warning for years, the demographic warfare being waged by Mexico will be our undoing, if something else doesn’t get us first.  As a former contingency warfare planning officer in the Air Force, I can assure you this is the most effective war plan I could ever imagine.  They have now taken over the military; they have over 50 consulates in the US; these consulates issue “matricular consulars” [Mexican ID cards] to nearly every Mexican who sneaks in or is welcomed here; they know where these people live, how to contact them, where they work and to what they have keys and access [including but not limited to National Guard Armories and other military facilities]; and they hate Gringos.  The worst thing is, we don’t understand their language.

Forewarned is forearmed.  Prepare yourself and your children.