Unprecedented Russia Bashing on a Platform of Big Lies and Mass Deception

by stephenlendman

On Monday, interventionist Blinken’s spokesman Price once again turned truth on its head about Russia’s special operation in Ukraine since Feb. 24.

He lied accusing Russia of “hitting hospitals, schools and residential buildings, pummeling infrastructure, and killing civilians (sic).”

He lied claiming that Ukraine’s Nazi-infested military is fighting “bravely (sic).”

He lied calling Russia’s special military operation “unprovoked (sic).”

He lied claiming that “Kremlin forces remain stalled in many areas and convoys have been unable to make significant progress (sic).”

He lied implying that most Russians oppose what’s going on.

He lied accusing Vladimir Putin of pursuing “an imperial-style land grab (sic).”

He lied claiming that Ukrainian forces are showing “stiff resistance (sic).”

He lied saying that Americans in Russia are endangered.

Virtually everything he, his neocon boss, the fake Biden and most others in Washington have been saying about Russia — and other invented US enemies — are bald-faced Big Lies.

Supplied to MSM for use as talking points, they’re regurgitated daily as part of a 24/7 fake news blitzkrieg on all things Russia.

According to reinvented reality by Times columnist Paul Krugman, Vladimir Putin is to blame for wrongheaded Biden regime policies.

It’s evident by a 10-year consumer sentiment low, record-high near-10% producer price inflation with consumer inflation at 16%, the highest level in 75 years.

It’s Putin’s fault, says Krugman and likeminded charlatans.

Claiming high inflation is “nowhere near their” 1980 levels is an affront to every American who eats, drives a car, heats a home, pays rent, has health insurance and other medical expenses, and struggles to pay college tuition costs for children.

Ignoring reality on the ground in Ukraine, WaPo editors pushed the implausible myth of a Russian defeat in the country “without direct NATO involvement,” claiming it “remains a possibility (sic).”

Harebrained remarks like the above and countless more like them got truth-telling military expert Andrei Maryanov to say the following:

“(T)he West cannot even provide a believable BS.”

“I already discussed this issue before.”

“They are simply that incompetent and have no grasp of modern warfare.”

On MSM rubbish, he called its proliferators “morons” and  “whores,” what the late George Seldes (1890 – 1995) long ago called “prostitutes of the press.”

On the mind-manipulated, dumbed-down US/Western public, Maryanov called its ranks “utterly illiterate” and  “brainwashed.”

According to WaPo “whores,” (the fake) Biden’s best course on Ukraine is the one he’s on (sic),” adding:

His regime should OK the “transfer (of) combat aircraft from Poland to Ukraine” — ignoring that they’d be downed in short order by superior Russian airpower and unparalleled air defense capabilities.

WaPo repeated the debunked Big Lie claim that Putin asked China for military help.

It lied saying that “Russian morale (is) deteriorat(ing) (and there are) sign(s) of Russian internal disarray or even desperation (sic).”

Its campaign is going as planned.

It’s just a matter of time before Kiev negotiates in earnest to resolve things by yielding to Russia’s demands.

According to WSJ fake news, “Vladimir Putin seems intent on bombing Ukrainian cities into submission, with civilian suffering and casualties intended as part of the strategy (sic).”

“The Ukraine war is a campaign of mass murder (sic).”

Russia’s “humanitarian corridors…close fast (sic).”

“More than a few of those leaving have been shot or bombed by Russian troops (sic).”

The above rubbish is a snapshot of a 24/7 MSM torrent of Big Lies and mass deception.

The dominant 4th estate lost credibility long ago.

Reporting on all things Russia and Ukraine reached new depths of depravity.

The same goes for ruling regimes where MSM are based.

Comments (2)

  1. john

    putin is a WEF! We are being played. Please review details on putin and WEF ties.

    James Corbett: Shocking Document Reveals Trudeau’s Real Plan – Truth Comes to Light

  2. john

    Corbett explaines the symptoms of our current dilemma. Edward Bernays explains the mechanism he developed to bring us to this dilemma.

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