“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson
CHD Europe – Milan Press Conference – if you can be patient with the english to italian translation confusion during the panel discussion I promise the message from Catherine Austin Fitts and RFK Jr will prove extremely enlightening and very important. Above the panel discussion are the speeches given to the public. I truly hope you will take the time to listen to at least the panel discussion what Catherine Austin Fitts has to say is of vital importance. After you listen you will see why I pust CASH FRIDAY. We need to push CASH ALL THE TIME. ARTICLE/VIDEO (Panel 1 hr. 13 min.) (Outdoor Speech 1 hr)
And here is a short clip from the protest and panel with RFK Jr. 2 min. VIDEO
Canadian Dr. Ponesse – Do Not Give Up Your Rights – MOST EXCELLENT – 17 min. ARTICLE/VIDEO
Canceling the Spike Protein – this article contains helpful information to help with the COVID shot adverse effects. ARTICLE
When A Vaccine Company Throws $1.8 Billion Into the Fact Checkers – gee what could possibly go wrong. Thanks to Russell S.
1 min. VIDEO
Technology Patent Suggests Tech Overlords Planning to Digitally Surveil People to Grant Freedoms Based on Vaccination Status – this is no suggestion folks it is real. The patent HAS been approved. This will surveil everywhere you go and who you associate with. Based on that data it will suggest what vaccine you need to get. ARTICLE
Here is the Patent: PATENT
The Chinese Admit There is No Virus – there is a group
(Fluoride Free Peel) that has also sent FOIA requests to prove the virus was never isolated by anyone, including the US CDC, and so far 137 responses has been the same…….we don’t have an isolated virus. Even our own CDC admitted in response to a FOIA request shows they have never isolated the virus and they also have admitted they had no virus isolat when they created the test for COVID. 16 min. VIDEO
Investigation: Died FROM COVID or WITH COVID – Italy has rolled back the death numbers to just over 3K people dying FROM COVID. ARTICLE/VIDEO (10 min.) This article and video will expire.
Unassailable Proof That the COVID Vaccines is the Most Deadly Vaccine in History by Steve Kirsch – I am sure we all could add more unassailable facts to Steve’s list. ARTICLE
Sharyl Attkisson: EXCLUSIVE Summary of COVID 19 Vaccine Concerns – this is a very comprehensive article about health concerns from all over the world. Taiwan has ended the 2nd shot for children because of myo/pericarditis. Gee could this be why Pfizer added a new ingredient in shots for US children 5-11 to help prevent heart attacks??? ARTICLE
Lockdowns are starting again as COVID (which is long gone) cases increase among the most vaccinated countries. No one in this many countries is this stupid. This is well organized plan to hide their crimes. ARTICLE