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Historian George D. Larson has compiled what has to be the most comprehensive collection of evidence of the inside operation that culminated in the removal of John F. Kennedy from the White House and from this earth. Just as was proven with the later operations such as the OKC bombing and 9/11, when a certain faction controls the money-flow, the investigative agencies and the news reports, that faction can get away with any crime, no matter how big and significant on the world’s stage. Dr. Larson points out as no one has before him the connections of the CIA (of course), the news media role in the ongoing psychological war on the American people; the Rockefeller, London and Mossad connections; and, of course, Lyin’ Lyndon’s part, especially in the cover-up that followed.

Longtime readers here know that I have been a student of the JFK assassination since the weekend it happened nearly 58 years ago. I had just driven for three hours that Friday morning from New Orleans to Jackson, Mississippi and arrived at my friend’s apartment at 12:45 p.m. CDT. I walked in and there was one of the three roommates standing in front of the wide-screen TV (semi-wide by today’s standards and black & white as well) saying, “Hey, man, c’mon’ in. Somebody just shot Kennedy!”

With normal, good-ol’-southern-boy reaction and without thinking, I said, “Good!”

Now that sounds pretty crass and uncaring today, I understand, and I have been ashamed of that outburst for the past near- six decades now. Why? Because upon hearing the initial report, I was picturing some irate redneck popping Kennedy in the backside with a shotgun load of non-lethal rice, but I certainly was not visualizing the President’s brains being blown out onto the street.

Now upon reflection, I realize and have for all years since, that I was not cheering his murder but rather regurgitating an anti-Kennedy sentiment that had permeated the South over the previous thousand days because of JFK’s Leftist edicts upon the Southern states, especially those forcing school integration.

“A civilized society cannot be forcibly driven to accept an inferior culture and expect to improve it’s own.”

Who said that? Me, myself and I. Back in 1960 at a Kansas University English class. I got a big “D” on my paper from my British-born “professor” (so called). I can’t help wondering all these years how she feels about the current infiltration of her own mother country today. But I digress. Sorry.

The reason for my reminiscence above is to remind you (and me as well) that my initial reaction to the assassination news was not that of one from an isolated minority. More than forty years later, renowned author Jim Marrs and I were on a flight from Dallas to Chicago together and sharing anecdotes from our various investigative worlds. A prolific writer of many books on many different subjects, Jim’s 1989 best-seller Crossfire-The Plot to Kill Kennedy became the reference book for decades to come for anyone seeking factual details of the assassination. No one learned more about the facts of the “inside job” conspiracy to kill Kennedy than Marrs, and it also led to his appointment by movie producer Oliver Stone to the six-figure $ position as “Advisor” to Stone during the 1991 production of the cinematic classic “JFK.”

Three years younger than I, Jim was a 20-year-old journalist student at North Texas State, and having stayed up all night studying for exams, he was still asleep in the noontime hours of the assassination. At about the same moment that I was in Mississippi first hearing of the Dallas shooting, Jim’s roommate came bursting into the bedroom and yelled to him, “Marrs, wake up! Somebody just shot Kennedy!”

Recalling it with a chuckle on the plane that day as if it had been yesterday, Jim told me of his initial and familiar response: “I said, ‘GOOD,’ and rolled over and went back to sleep!”

A couple of years later, as a now-college graduate and cub reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and intrigued by his fascinating surroundings and the conspiracy facts being uncovered by Mark Lane et al., Jim dived into the investigation of the murder case that would change his life forever.

Another early investigator highly suspect of the Warren Commission’s blatant cover-up facts was New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. Here’s a condensed version of his opinion.

sherri tenpenny | Search Results | INI World Report (


I’ve never heard Greg Hunter so angry as in the first few minutes of this report: Vax Attacks, Clapton Awakens, Red Hot Inflation 7.23.21 (

ALSO: Longtime silver guru James Cook says that the long-suppressed silver prices will be set free this year causing an adjustment of 10X to 30X of $ increase in price. We remind you that while the “Paper Investment Experts” have always poo-pooed gold and silver as an “investment,” we have recommended it as a “hedge” against hyper-inflation over the past forty years. We stand on same because gold and silver have always maintained their real value over the past five thousand years. If your research in monetary history has already proven to you the manipulation of prices in the absolutely rigged markets, then you already are aware of the necessity of protecting your assets on your own. Personally, I never keep enough (counterfeit) money in the bank beyond what is necessary to pay my monthly bills. Any excess each month goes toward a couple of silver coins.

One reader listened to our guidance thirty years ago and grabbed a $1000 face amount of what they call “junk” (it is anything but) silver coins (actually pre-’65, 90% silver, U. S. coins) for $2,850. He buried the bag in a PVC pipe in his garden for 19 years and sold them at the heightened price of $37,000 in 2011. That such a similar thing is blossoming now comes at no surprise to us, and even if the explosion doesn’t happen this year, it certainly will happen. Your excess cash in the bank is losing purchasing power every week. (Have you bought any steak recently?) If you want to preserve its value, contact me here for a guide that will provide a safe and private trade of your cash for silver. No, I do not charge anything for this service. I have dealt with these people for over twenty years and have found them to be totally trustworthy and honest. Just shoot me a note through “Comments” that you want to know more, I will respond privately to your email.