Rick and Carolyn Kiesz are longtime pamphleteers from the Left-infested northwest U. S. and remain in a constant struggle to wake up those lulled to sleep by the propaganda of the controlled mass media. Their recent publication, Patriot Advocate (see address at bottom of this page) featured two appropriate articles that caught this editor’s eye as ideal for the June Musings column here. We are delighted to feature Mr. and Mrs. Kiesz as our guest editorialists here.


“The United States has the most corrupt government in the world.”

  by Rick Kiesz

That statement is based on the amount of money and the number of people involved in government corruption, and in so many cases outright criminal behavior. The Capitol is NOT the “Seat of Democracy” as politicians so frequently profess. More accurately it is the “tabernacle of corruption.” The U.S. Federal Government is so bloated it is completely inefficient and incompetent. The U.S. is too big to be managed effectively. The only solutions presented by our so-called public servants in Washington D.C. involve massive amounts of money, creating a non-sustainable future. 90% of the federal bureaucracies and agencies operate outside the Constitution and must be abolished. That would give rights back to the States and the People as the Founding Fathers intended.

Let me emphatically state, I LOVE AMERICA, but I despise the Federal Government’s actions and mode of operating. In fact, our government operates so far outside the U.S. Constitution that there is NO way to ever get back to the Rule of Law. Rampant waste, fraud and abuse describes the government in Washington, D.C.

Just a very few examples are:

— Strong-arm theft of money and property from citizens.

— Sending enormous financial aid to foreign countries.

— Favoring certain businesses, while destroying others.

— Incarcerating innocent citizens for political reasons.

— Allowing lobbyists to buy congressmen’s votes.

— Prohibiting equal justice for all.

— Enforcing unConstitutional policies and laws.

— Robbing citizens of their liberty.

— Trashing the People’s Bill of Rights.

— Entanglements with Communist nations.

— Manipulating financial markets.

— Spending to the point of insuring a financial collapse.

Wake-up! We-the-People MUST rise-up against these crimes against Americans.

— Stop voting for career politicians.

— Blow the whistle when you see government corruption.

— Engage in peaceful civil disobedience.

The United States was founded on the principle that the government should fear the people, instead of the people living in fear of the government. The Founding Fathers had in mind a Nation built on freedom for the people and only a limited national government. The government ALWAYS takes Liberty away from the people.

Government doesn’t give it to the people. We need a NEW government, NOT a reformed government that still keeps the two-party un-Constitutional political system in charge.

Here’s what we are dealing with:

— The President rules as the supreme dictator.

— The Supreme Court rules as a law-maker.

— The Congress spends money it doesn’t have.

Let me state again — I LOVE AMERICA and will not leave. I will put more effort into exposing what has gone wrong, caused by greedy public officials along with big tech demons, whose desire for control and power knows no bounds.

The vast majority of protestors at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 were peaceful. Those Patriots were sick of the corrupt/criminal Congress Critters and wanted to march to show their disgust! This fact is something that you will never hear from the media or the government.

President Trump made a “half-hearted” effort to clean out the swamp monsters in D.C. Another feeble attempt in a second term would have been positive. Instead, through election misconduct, we were given a life-long bumbling idiot. The second-in-command is a closet communist who was well trained in how to tell the audience what they want to hear, always with a smile and a cackling laugh. Both are hypocrites who actually hate the American Ideal and love BIG government control over the people. The current administration spends without any thought to the consequences.

Their mental ineptitude only considers ONE solution to every problem — massive amounts of money. Somewhere down the SOCIALIST road that America has been on for decades, an economic catastrophe awaits that will catch most Americans by surprise.


 by Carolyn Kiesz

 I have been told that by my not getting one of the Covid vaccines I am playing “Russian roulette.”  Well, that may be, but don’t we all do that every single day we live on the earth? We choose to take the risk of walking down the street. We choose to drive on our highways and byways. We walk beneath behemoth trees whose limbs pose the threat of being widow-makers. Isn’t life itself somewhat of a gamble? And don’t we all have the right to choose where we go and what we do?

My grandson is developmentally disabled. His immune system is likely compromised. He is almost ten. When he was younger he went through a very scary period where he had pneumonia four times in a three month period and he was very ill. Children with Down syndrome lose their lives to pneumonia more than anything else. His health seems to have improved with age and not being in school in 2020 has really helped. Not attending the “germ factory” of public education has kept him quite well; however, should he contract Covid, we just don’t know how well he might do, and that is the rub. I am not ill and I stand at the ready to see my beloved grandson — but, I am at the mercy of his mother. She believes she is doing the best for him, and I understand and applaud her for that. However, I have not been allowed to see him much in 2020 or 2021, and it is all Covid related. I refuse to get a vaccine because not one of the three offered has instilled confidence in me.

This “pandemic” has been sad for me and sad for my grandson. We are very close. I’ve been told that I “don’t care enough about him” because if I did I would be taking the vaccine to allow me to be in close proximity with him. Iadore him, but what can I say? I’ve also been told that I’m in jeopardy because of my age group. In response I told my daughter that driving on the local highway represents more of a threat to my life than Covid. I see the vaccines as an unknown that I am not comfortable introducing into my body, which is my choice. She sees the vaccine as making me less of a threat to my grandson, which is her choice.

I have read quite a bit about the two mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna. They are vaccines like none ever created before. They “activate” our immune systems. They are “genetic” in nature. They are introduced into our bodies to “cue our immune system” to fight infection. I don’t trust something that tampers with my “natural immune system.” I know it doesn’t change my DNA. What bothers me is the potential for this foreign substance to cause a “cytokine storm” reaction. This is where the immune system works feverishly against our own body — as if it were fighting an infection while attacking our body in a myriad of ways which doesn’t usually end well. It is an “overreaction.” I am not willing to take this risk. As for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, it is made like most vaccines in the past; however, there have been problems with it, and again, I am not willing to take the risk. These vaccines have not gone through the rigorous testing that most vaccines go through. I told my daughter that it’s risky taking the vaccines that mess with genetics and she literally said, “I am willing to take that risk.” To which I responded — “I am not willing.”

Apparently, I am not alone in my vaccine aversion. I have read that there are many, even in the healthcare professions, who do not plan to take them. Additionally, there appears to be a huge segment of the population who are on my side as well. Some States have announced that taking one of these vaccines will get you a $100 Savings Bond.

Other businesses offer free beer, doughnuts and scholarships. In other words, these shots are being subsidized. In order to get “Herd Immunity” they say 70% must get the vaccine. We’ve been told that 50% have got it thus far. So, now in some places, if you get a vaccine your name goes into a lottery for a big monetary prize. If these vaccines were such a good thing, wouldn’t people be taking them without any financial incentive? Isn’t it strange that people must be enticed? Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Sure makes me more comfy in my current stance. I don’t know what will happen with me and my grandson. I hope I can see him freely one day in the near future without being looked at like I am a loaded gun representing Russian Roulette for him. Time will tell.

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