Don’t forget to Pay Your Fair Share (if that is possible)

by Pat Shannan

Most deluded Americans are operating under the false assumption that the citizens still fund the government. The founders warned 200 years ago that whenever the public servants begin to be paid by something other than what the people produce, the roles of master and servant will become reversed. This was finalized on June 24, 1968, the last day you could redeem your lawful Federal Reserve notes for gold or silver coin.

Since then, the pieces of green paper in your wallet or purse, although still fraudulently representing the same value as those that previously could be redeemed for intrinsic value, evolved from lawful notes of value into mere tokens backed only by “belief.”

This is the year that marks the 53rd anniversary (if that’s reason for celebration) that our nation no longer operates on lawful money, and for that reason the citizens no longer fund the government. The lawful dollar, redeemable in an accurate dollar measurement of gold or silver, deceptively has become a piece of paper currency with ink identifying it as such but no longer redeemable in any Thing of substance. In other words, the redeemable note for a specific amount of wealth on deposit had suddenly become the entity – the actual paper equal to a real and valuable piece of wealth.

It was a giant step for the enemies of freedom and the destruction of America as dreamed of by the founders.
The extraction taken each April 15th merely restricts your consumption, thereby prolonging the inevitable hyper-inflation collapse of the monetary system and allowing the blood-sucking bureaucrats to live off the people one more year. The so-called “income tax” is no tax at all, because government can create out of thin air whatever is needed to fund whatever it wishes. Your “taxes” are worth no more to the money creators than a handful of sand would be to a beachcomber. Both get all they want whenever they want by merely bending over to pick up a handful or with the pressing of a button. Was not the doubling from $10 trillion to $20 trillion of the counterfeit deficit by Obama/Soetoro in a mere eight years enough evidence for one to at least suspect? (Now it is pushing $30 trillion, and prices continue to soar.)

The answer is “No” from the highly paid, communist-lifestyle peddling and Deep State-controlled mass media public opinion influencers. The charade must be maintained in order to vacuum up much of the excess credit that has flooded the economy. Otherwise, hyperinflation would set in verrrry quickly. The on-going hoax is sold with such Bravo Sierra phrases as “Pay your fair share,” and “Render unto Caesar”. . . etc., and the naïve “taxpayer” continues to fall for it.

Alleged Christians sit on juries and send fellow Christians to jail for not participating in the hoax because they too are hoodwinked with such lies from the US Attorney who says, “Because he didn’t pay his fair share, you had to pay more!” And the desensitized robots on the jury buy it and ruin another American family by sending its breadwinner that has harmed no one to jail for several years! Then they go home to sit in front of their electronic propaganda boxes and boast to their families of how they did their part that day to preserve liberty in America and how great it is to live in a free country.
A fiat money system of credit and paper (backed by nothing) has never survived in any nation in the history of this planet. This one will not survive either. When the bogus monetary system does collapse, it will actually bring the return of economic freedom with it (contrary to the government propaganda) because We the People will go back to the barter system of trading with one another. The people will also quickly realize the necessity of having a precious metal for making change in a transaction.
If I trade you my cow for three chickens, it is not equitable and you owe me some change. I want a couple of pigs or a goat or … hey, how about some gold or silver or diamonds? And I don’t want a picture of a pig or a goat or even a promise to pay me some gold or silver later. I WANT THE REAL THING RIGHT NOW!

This cabal of power-intoxicated conspirators has determined, in order to retain its power and control over the people, it is necessary to create another monstrous enemy to inculcate fear into its subjects and, of course, a need for more taxes. “Gotta fight that crime!” America’s base of power has shifted from ‘We the People’ to politicians, judges, bureaucrats, lawyers, prosecutors, and police, now commonly known as “Law Enforcement Officers.” (“Duhh, we don’t know nuttin’ ‘bout no constitution. Da Sarge say we gotta enforce this here new law.”)

America needs an enemy. With the flaunted demise of the Soviet Union, the American Propaganda machine has turned its attention inward. Now that the “evil empire has crumbled,” that newly created enemy is the evil drug empire. Yes, there is drug abuse and crime in the streets of America, and it must be arrested. But it is not the province of government to enact unconstitutional law so as to encourage and condone government pillage of people’s freedom and property. The people have a right to be free of malicious prosecution and tyrannical government interference into their private lives.

It was said of the ancient Roman Emperor Nero that he dressed down at night and went into the streets to induce citizens to commit crime so that he could arrest them the next day, to show the people that he had a handle on crime. Just as despicable as that behavior is the activity of American drug officers who go into the streets to induce citizens to commit drug offenses in order to perpetuate the government’s propaganda program of “insurmountable” drug crime.

Well, if there is so much drug crime, why is it necessary for agents to create new crime?
(And let us add to that the bogus “terror” created by the crisis actors in recent months and years.) If there really was so much crime as the propaganda machine would lead us to believe, the police would be far too busy arresting existing criminals and without time to create more. Furthermore, it becomes even more despicable when the government’s prey refuses to commit the crime proposed by the agents in disguise. That same, targeted victim will be arrested for engaging in the mere discussion of drugs and charged with the dubious “crime” of conspiracy, which carries the same penalty as if the victim had agreed to commit the proposed crime. All of his property and assets will be seized, and he will be denied his basic right of being presumed innocent until proven guilty. He will be denied due process of law. His home will be invaded and all of his personal possessions commandeered by government agents. His loved ones will be intimidated and threatened with homelessness and poverty. His automobile and the home of his innocent family members will be seized, leaving his family without transportation. He will be denied bail and forced to languish in squalid jail conditions for twelve to eighteen months or more before being brought before the court in a charade to prove his innocence. His right to speedy trial already denied, he will have received multiple punishments for one alleged offense even before trial. Because he is now indigent, he will be unable to hire competent counsel of choice, and because of his fear of the unknown and lack of faith, he will allow himself to be saddled with the enemy’s mouthpiece instead of paying heed to the Master’s instructions to speak for one’s self, found in Matthew 10:19-20.

The federal government, in its pretended consideration for the rights of the accused, will appoint counsel to represent this victim of government-created crime. This appointed counsel who accepts the Coin of the Realm, induces this victim, now his client, to plead guilty to mitigate the upcoming punishment.

However, if this victim is idealistic enough to still believe that he will receive a fair trial and decides to go to court, he will find that he will be faced with trial by government, where the judge and the prosecution will manipulate all of the facts and evidence. It will not be an actual trial by jury because mendacious prosecutors and government agent witnesses, who are well-trained and well-practiced liars, will deceive that jury. This process of horror is perpetrated daily by the American government’s hunger for drug and tax crime. If it doesn’t exist in sufficient proportions, they will create it. If a person cannot be induced to commit the crime, he will be punished for discussing it. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are victims of this government oppression.

Before anyone accepts the American line, let it be known that the government persecutes its own people for voicing their thoughts. The crime is called conspiracy, and it allows for governmental pillage of the people’s freedom and property, and it is designed to continue America’s phony “Wars on Drugs,” and “Terror,” and to perpetuate the myth that taxpayers fund the government.
The distinction between real crime and government-created crime has been blurred because the government needs an enemy. This enemy has become the bewildered American people.

All this serves only to reinforce the premise of this book: virtually Everything They [the IRS, government agents in general, controlled news media, etc.] Ever Told Me was a Lie.

It’s been more than 25 years now – since our OKC bombing investigation in 1995 – that this writer began to realize: When you have access to unlimited sums of money, control of the investigation and can write your own news for restricted publication, you can get away with anything.