The Finalization of the Communization of America
By Pat Shannan

It has been going on for a lot longer than Americans could ever believe, and even today, most are unwilling to admit. I know several otherwise intelligent people who still do not believe that Joe Biden and the DemoRats stole the election back in November. Many, many others continue to submit to wearing a face diaper long after learning that not only do these ineffectual rags not work to prevent anything, but actually lower one’s immunity by forcing the inhaling of the already exhaled carbon dioxide which lessens at the same time the more valuable intake of oxygen. See: and

“They must find it difficult . . . those who have taken authority as the truth rather than truth as the authority.” Gerald Massey

During the early part of the last half of the 20th century, many of us suspected that Washington D.C. had already been silently captured, especially following that crowning moment on November 22, 1963, when “America lost its innocence.” And if I have to remind you of the significance of that date and statement, you are probably too far behind in the facts of government cover-ups over the years to comprehend the rest of this message. (This book would be extremely helpful in alleviating your problem:

Americans were suspect by nature that the JFK assassination was not what we were being told, but we also did not grasp the fact that not only had the news media been under government control, at least on this singular subject at the time, but the investigative agencies as well. Who remembers today that the Secret Service/FBI stole JFK’s dead body from Parkland Hospital with guns pointed at Dr. Earl Rose, the coroner attempting to keep it in Dallas for autopsy because it had been a state crime, and the federal goons had no jurisdiction?

Nearly thirty years later in 1992, after interviewing another Parkland doctor, Charles Crenshaw, who had finally gone public and written a book about his operating room experiences with both JFK and Harvey Oswald, I learned Dr. Rose’s location and home number. Anxious to hear it “from the horse’s mouth,” I got him on the phone in Iowa City, Iowa, but the conversation was over in less than a minute. It was obvious that the government deep-staters had sufficiently terrified the poor guy into a lifetime of silence. He refused to even discuss the subject. THIRTY YEARS AFTER THE FACT! Previous and subsequent investigations have disclosed that these targeted truth-tellers get periodic reminders that they are being watched and their phones, emails and social tweets are being monitored, all of which tend to keep the target under control for a lifetime.

So, my point here is that what we are witnessing currently with the fake news reports that actually become a part of factual history is nothing new.

Another is the ridiculous Holocaust figure of “six million gassed and cremated.” It has been so washed into our brains first through news releases, then schoolbooks, encyclopedias and TV blah-blah all of our lifetimes, that anyone who would challenge it is immediately disparaged. Some are so dumbed-down that they will surrender a friendship over it without discussion. I, personally, have lost at least two personal friends over it and at least a half dozen more (semi-like-minded) acquaintances – all of whom refused to look at the contrary evidence, their minds long ago made up.
The most blatant of evidence was:
A coupla’ decades or more ago, I discovered a paper written by a WWII scholar pointing out the absurd number of SIX MILLION PEOPLE being cremated by the antiquated, inadequate equipment available at the demonized Auschwitz and the other alleged “death camps” during the 1940s. The author pointed out that for this (“absurd, ridiculous”) immense number of people to have been cremated with the equipment available would have taken until 1992, so we will say fifty years (from 1942).

Hmmm. I found that interesting enough to one day put the calculator to it. Multiplying the fifty years by 365 (days), I came up with 182,250 days; then by dividing that into 6,000,000, I came up with 329. It is beyond any measure of good sense to imagine that 329 executions and cremations a day might have gone on for only one year after the war was over, let alone fifty!

There is much documentation – or in some cases, the lack of it – to take us far beyond the likelihood of the so-called “Holocaust” being a fiction created by those in control of the news media and book publishing, such as:
1) before and after 1950, both Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower wrote epic compilations of the events of WWII but gas chamber executions and the crematoriums in the work camps were never mentioned (because they did not exist).
2) Administrators (at Auschwitz) have admitted on camera that the simulated “gas chambers” were erected by the communists in 1947, long after the war was over.
3) Testimony and published photos show that the work camps were never “death camps” and that the workers were well provided-for with good meals, tennis courts and entertainment theaters.
4) Apparently, the term “Holocaust” was never publicly aired nor heard before the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann in Tel Aviv, giving the fiction writers fifteen years after the war to create “witnesses” and concoct the scheme.

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” Dresden James.

The brain-washing confusion of these and other lies has done great harm over the years, so please do some research on your own before you so foolishly attack a friend that tries to tell you the truth. Your so-called “education” has been corrupted on many other fronts as well.

The world public has been programmed to think the “anti-Israel Arab” Sirhan Sirhan killed Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968 when the fact is that Sirhan never was close enough to RFK to inflict the powder burns shown on the BACK of Kennedy’s head, which were amongst the 13 “fired” from Sirhan’s 8-shot, Iver Johnson, .22 caliber revolver. (Once again, see: HAS ANY OTHER FACTION DECEIVED YOU BEYOND THE FACTS MORE THAN THE CONTROLLED MASS MEDIA?

WOW! And what would you think if you knew that J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI spent more than a year framing James Earl Ray for the murder of Michael (aka Martin Luther, Jr.) King? We knew from the beginning that Ray had escaped from the Missouri State Pen in April of 1967, but what we didn’t know until recent years was that the FBI (proved by recent FOIA retrievals) had paid the prison warden $25,000 to allow Ray to escape via the back of a bread delivery truck exiting the premises. Hmmm. What a great escape. James’ brother John was waiting for him beside the highway just down the road. How could he have known to be there? Duh.

Then there was the shooting of Alabama Governor George Wallace on May 15, 1972. How could an honest news media NOT deduce that the five-shot, S&W .38 snub-nosed revolver fired by Arthur Bremer could not have delivered four shots to Wallace’s chest area, another to the abdomen of his personal bodyguard, an Alabama Highway Patrol Captain, one more to the throat of a federal Secret Service agent and another to the leg of a female campaign worker? What kind of honest reporter cannot count up to seven? But there was never a peep.

All this is to say, use your television for entertainment, if you like, but turn off the national news sites, all of them. They spread fictional concoctions every day and night now. No two stories in the history of America have been more indicative of this than the two, continuing fabrication-cover-ups still going on right now – the Covid-19(84) hoax and the 2020 election theft. (Texas has finally figured out both of them. Mississippi now too, apparently:

Strange information, as well, is flowing these days from the (alleged) insiders on the Internet, both encouraging and disconcerting. The U. S. Constitution states (in Art. III, Sec. 2) that the U. S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) shall have original jurisdiction in all cases “in which a State shall be a party.” This must be what the Texas Attorney General had in mind when he filed his suit in late 2020 against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the four with the most obvious guilt of election fraud. As most of the world knows now, the four states exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election. The battleground states flooded their people with unlawful ballot applications and ballots while ignoring statutory requirements as to how they were received, evaluated and counted.

Meanwhile, lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood were presenting much vote scamming evidence in the lower courts all across the nation, but these cases were being dismissed without consideration right and left. The number is over eighty now that were tanked by corrupt judges without consideration to the documented facts therein. The Controlled Mass Media (CMM) kept reporting over and over that these cases were being thrown out for “lack of evidence,” when in truth, not one case had been considered on its merit but dismissed without any examination of the evidenced presented therein. Michigan came up with the lame excuse that Sidney Powell did not have “standing.” What a convenient dodge. Did she not vote in the election? If not, then such a challenge would have merit. But if she voted, she has standing because she was defrauded. Another thing a ninth grader could figure out.

What could be more obvious, as mentioned in the opening paragraphs here, that Washington D.C. (and, therefore, America as a nation) was captured long ago. Capture of the judges, judicial influence and court decisions could not have suddenly appeared, flying in the face of truth. No, it has been a long-time development:

But flip back in your own mind to the cases of federal implication outlined at this site over the years, as well as the evidence presented in our books. Does it not make sense to you that when an enemy faction can control both the investigative process and the news reports, they can get away with anything? A ninth grader can grasp it, even if your neighbors can’t. Here’s a recent example:

But the aforementioned “strange information” becomes stranger as it becomes more contradicted. First we are told by the alleged and longtime (two-plus years) DC insider “Qanon” that the steal is not over and we must “trust the plan” presented by all kinds of code words and childish numerology. Then in recent weeks we hear, accompanied by historical facts that QAnon “Trust the Plan” Is a Tried-and-True Communist Psychological Operation:
January 16, 2021 by Edward Hendrie. Check the details here:

QAnon “Trust the Plan” Is a Tried and True Communist Psychological Operation

So, what is true? Both sides indicate that we will know for sure by the end of April.
“The murder of JFK in 1963 was more dramatic, but less seismic than this. Because you don’t have to believe that everyone was in on that, even if you think there was a wider conspiracy than just the madness of a single gunman. But with this we have quite plain evidence now that the FBI was in on it, the Department of Justice was in on it, the Supreme Court refuses to look at the evidence about it, senior Republican figures were in on it, Big Tech billionaires were in on it, social media giants were in on it, other world leaders rushed to endorse it, even the bloody American Chamber of Commerce was in on it. The sole reason the lie has triumphed is that the Swamp is far bigger, and far more real, than even the most cynical of us supposed. It is a lie that is just too big to be allowed to fail, like a bank that has to be propped up with quantitative easing. Only this thing is supported with the currency of lies, printed endlessly in every newspaper in the world and cashed in on every TV show news report. The world was horrified when a President was murdered. It should be just as horrified when a winning President doesn’t have to be murdered to be removed, and silenced, and rendered powerless.

“The latest cowardly absurdity of Supreme Court judgement confirms all of the above. They are more terrified of the consequences of exposing the theft than they are of the consequences of continuing the lie. They would rather see millions disenfranchised, voting rendered meaningless, and an extreme radical agenda that helps the enemies of the West rolled out, then face the embarrassment of admitting the truth. So they flee from their judicial and constitutional duty, squealing in terror, diving into shadows to avoid the light of truth. It is a revolting spectacle, but another one that will be presented as ‘evidence’ that up is down, evil is good, and stolen is earned. What a lesson for the world that is.”
– Bartholomew Chiaroscuro

Comments (3)

  1. Lew

    50 years is 18,250 days (not including leap years) not 182,500. Dividing 6,000,000 by 18,250 gives you 329. This calculation gives even more credence to your article.

    1. Pat Shannan (Post author)

      FUNNY! That’s what I got a month ago when I sent it out on email to others. This time it came out 32.9, which made me think I made a mistake the first time. Anyway, thank you. As you say, point is made even biggerly!

      1. Pat Shannan (Post author)

        Rather than fix it, Lew, I think it will be more fun to see how many other catch it. (Ooops, I just tipped them off.) Four days later now, nobody else has caught it, so we fixed it for truth and facts, which we prefer.

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