“Is America Over?”, some ask. Oh ye of little faith!

“Is America over?” — What, giving up already??

Those who have Covid are those who watch tv.  Don’t want Covid? Then stop watching tv.  This author is still of the perspective that all the “official” statistics are completely fabricated and that the test kits are all tainted, in order to pretend to justify the totally fabricated statistics.

As for doubts about the future of this nation, regarding in particular these corrupted elections, those who have doubts are those who watch tv.  To stop having doubts about this nation, stop watching tv.

Who within the reach of this note actually finds useful information provided through the tv?  What do those movies and programs promote — a Godly world view or a worldly world view?  What is anyone actually gaining from all the programming and marketing that is tv these days?

“Is America over?” — To solve a problem, it must first be identified correctly.

In prep for answering this question, here’s a brief summary as an intro.

The Four Sore (Great) Judgments are these: War, Famine, Pestilence (Disease, Plague), and “Beasts.”

A “Beast” is a king or government raised up by God to be an iron rod of correction in His hand.

The job of the “Beast,” as directly “commissioned” by God, is to devour and to destroy the rebellious.

God has specifically raised up Comm*nism to destroy every nation that it touches.

We’ll have more and more of this anti-America propaganda and activity until we repent.  From what?  As the main event, from being pagan.  As we’ll just stop promoting and participating in lent, easter, halloween, and christmas, this present “Beast” system, known popularly as the Deep State, will start to lose power.  As we then take that start and stop promoting pagan concepts, as well, as are very well exposed and explained by Rev. Alexander Hislop in his, “The Two Babylons,” this present “Beast” system will also then lose its control.  God will “fire” it, as He’s promised, but not before it’s accomplished its “commissioned” task.

The concept of focus is still this: we’re not dealing with a matter that is addressable, or even identifiable, under the “law of man” or the “politics of man.”  It’s a Law of God problem, meaning that the only solution(s) is(are) found in the Law of God.  If our focus is genuinely and sincerely the national defense of our country, then our focus is on the Law of God from here on out, i.e., until this “Beast” system gets “fired.”

Throughout Scripture, as “the people” violated “Rule 1” (“I Am (is) your God and you shall have no other.”), God Judged them, part of which Judgment included the “Beast” systems of old, including Egypt, (Canaan — anarchy), Assyria, Mede-Persia, Babylon, Greece, and Rome.  This “Deep State” is the eighth which has definitely come from the seven.  That’s just to say that we in America are not excluded from this reality of Divine Judgment.  And, we’ve more than sufficiently earned our Judgment, having proclaimed God while being totally and completely pagan, which makes us about 1,000 times worse that the pagans in Sodom and Gomorrah, who weren’t pretending to be “the faithful.”  God’s had it with us, as proved by our being under the Judgment of War for 400 years straight now.  That Judgment started the minute we first got here, circa 1607, and our first wars here were against the Indians.

“Is America over?” — What is the lawyer’s initial answer to everything? — “Well, that depends.”

To answer the question, then, “Is America over?”, the direct answer is this: “Render under Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.”  The point of that concept is that if we have any choice in the matter at all, we decide whether we’re Caesar’s or God’s.  That’s our “choice,” if there’s any “choice” to be exercised.

Whether America is now a concept for the history books is for each of us to decide.  Individually, are we God’s or Caesar’s?  Are we God’s, as proved by doing things God’s way, or are we Caesar’s, as proved by our continuing to do things per any of the institutionalized and accepted forms of paganism rampant throughout our nation?

If we remain pagan, thereby compelling God to continue with Judgment in the form that wipes this nation off the face of the planet, then, yes, America is over.  However, if we’ll repent from our “Rule 1” violations, starting with our ending our addiction to the popular paganisms, and then continuing on to discipline ourselves even to stop holding pagan doctrine in our minds, then, No, America is not only not over but also just getting started good.


On the one hand, pagan America will not be present in His Kingdom.  Thus, we are definitely staring down the end of pagan America.  God has communicated plainly that we’ll know it’s Him, because these are His (forms of) Judgments.  That’s the long and the short of God’s message to us via the use of the prophetic word as communicated to John and through John to us.  The entire point in the message about God’s “revealing” Himself is that God is revealing Himself through His Judgments, i.e., The Four Horsemen, which “just happen” also to be The Four Sore Judgments: War, Famine, Pestilence (also translated as Disease, also translated as Plague), and the “Beast” systems.  Is pagan America over?  Yes.  Pagan America is in the process, as we speak, of being devoured and destroyed by means of the Deep State, which is the present “Beast” system.

So, are America and pagan America the same people in the same place?  If so, then we’ve rendered unto Caesar, for we are, and have always been, Caesar’s.  If not, then we’re rendering unto God that which is God’s, and that means that we’ve come to realize the difference between the concepts on which we’ve been raised and the concepts of Scripture, and have opted to think on and act on the concepts of Scripture to the exclusion of the doctrinal lies on which we’ve all been raised.

Keep the faith of those taught “The Way,” which is not what’s been taught us via these various forms of institutionalized “church-ianity.”  As we shed our pagan traditions and doctrines, we’ll find that Godly America is not only not over but also just getting started good.

Harmon L. Taylor

Legal Reality

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Comments (2)

  1. Jos Fielden

    Better still. THROW AWAY THE TV! It pollutes the mind. You won’t know that until you actually get rid of it. I haven’t owned a TV for 20 years.

  2. M.E. Farris

    My wife and I visited three different churches after moving to the country. The first two years we visited a close, local Catholic Church. We found it totally cold. The Pastor was from the Philippines and considered himself to be fluent in Spanish. For the Record, he could not even make himself understood, when speaking English. His English was far worse than his Spanish. Crux: He did not speak Spanish, either. Yet, we watched these local Farmers and Ranchers throw money, unbelievable money, into this Catholic Church. There was no Song Service, to speak of, period. But when Halloween came around, there was a big celebration, with the church going all-out for the kids. I told my wife, “This is as Pagan as you can get!” We found the same celebration of Halloween, at two different Methodist Churches, in local cities, just 8 miles apart. Now for the last 2 years, we have seen hundreds of people coming thru this big Baptist Church Parking lot, wherein, cars with TRUNKS FULL of candies, an advertised event, for children and families visiting from every small city in the county. For the safety of children, I understand parents not wanting their children going door-to-door in today’s world, as we did back during the 40s and 50s, where everyone knew their neighbors, on every street! Today people do not even know their next door neighbor. Church Members brought candy, decorated some of the cars on the parking lot that night. It was believed over 1000 folks with their children, visited for the 2nd year of this Halloween Celebration. The following Sunday? Several young couples came as new family members; wanting to join because of the friendship felt or shown by regular members, during the evenings festivities. We have a wonderful Pastor, with a loving, dedicated Christian Wife that we all love very much. Our church has probably 150 in the Children’s Church. while parents and grandparents attend regular church services. I truly do not believe adults even know what a Pagan is, anymore.., or if they ever did know. I’m certain its not taught in any of our Public Schools. But think about it now. Did our Parents back during the 40s and 50s, consider when they made up our costumes, for Halloween, painted our faces, bought us a dime mask; did they consider that we were being Pagan, when our parents watched as their children went door to door, with their brown paper bags, announcing, “Trick Or Treat !”

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