Dear American,

This letter is going to shock you for various reasons – whether it is my boldness, my content, or even that I speak the content as fact when you may not be able to understand, receive or grasp what I am about to say. That is all okay.

My hope is that even if you do not believe what I tell you that you hide it away in your heart. For when it does happen, you will then know that I was speaking truth. I just pray that when you find out the truth for yourself, it is not too late.

This letter comes as a warning for what is rapidly approaching. Our lives as we have known it will never be the same. This “new normal” we have entered into is here to stay. The America, as we have known it, is over.

You do not have to believe what I tell you but know that if you do nothing, there will be consequences.

These things will sound extremely pessimistic, especially if you have never heard the truth about what is taking place behind the scenes. And when I say behind the scenes, I mean everything the mainstream media (abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, fox news…) refuses to tell you.

You, me, us….we are all being lied to. There is a bigger agenda at play here than what we see in front of our faces on the TV and internet. This agenda is bigger than any of us and what is now in motion will not stop until its completion.

Most (if not all) governments worldwide, even the Vatican, are in on this plan. And this plan was set in motion when China released Covid19. Covid19 is the Trojan horse that is taking all of us into the New World Order, The Great Reset, One World Government – call it what you want. This New World Order will be headed by one man – The Antichrist.

America is currently the only nation standing in the way of this New World Order. In order for this New World Order to come about, America must fall. And knowing America must fall, it should start to make sense why we are seeing all of this chaos both politically and in the streets of America. This chaos has been planned. They have already divided us. Remember, a house divided cannot stand – that goes for nations too. Civil war in this country is at hand. This is what they want. Once we are fighting amongst ourselves, we are then more easily conquered…think about this.

Our economy is going to collapse and food/water will be used as a weapon against us. Again, you do not have to believe me, but if you choose to do nothing there will be consequences.

The mask mandates and social distancing – they are all about governments gaining power and control over the people. The American people are doing a great job at complying with their orders. Once they gain power over us, they will not relinquish it.

This all sounds like a plot out of a bad movie. Believe it or not, even the television and movies you watch have been programming you by telling you what will take place in the future – it is called predictive programming (watch Songbird, 2021 on youtube). Those who are pulling the strings (the global elite) must tell you beforehand what they plan to do and it is often through movies and television that they do this.

The internet is starting to censor EVERYTHING. This is how they begin to control the narrative. When they control the narrative, they will make you believe what they want you to believe. And when you believe what they want you to believe…everything you believe will be a lie. This is the great deception. (I suggest you read that paragraph again)


Also coming will be the persecution of Christians – anyone believing in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible will be banned as it will be deemed hate speech. This is closer than most realize. Even if you, have no religious affiliations nor care to, just know this too is coming.

We used to live in a country where freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to own property, freedom to breathe without a mask, freedom to NOT social distance, freedom from vaccines was a personal choice – but very quickly our freedoms are being taken away.

We are being told we MUST wear a mask. We are being told we MUST social distance. We will very soon be told we MUST take a vaccine….see the pattern here? Our freedoms are slowly being taken away and it is being done under the guise of “public safety and security” due to Covid19. We MUST wear a mask to protect others. We MUST social distance to protect others. We MUST take this vaccine to protect others. If you do not, then you will be labeled non-compliant (and I will tell you they also have plans for those who are non-compliant.)

If I did not have any knowledge and understanding of these things then I might be thinking the same thing but I have been placed in this world, at this time, for this very purpose.

In closing, I must relate all of this back to the Bible – for it is within those pages all of these things I have talked about have been prophesied – and we just happen to be the generation that is alive during this time as these prophesies play out. This is how we know the Bible is real! What was written thousands of years ago is happening RIGHT NOW! I must say it again, DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Do not allow the media giants – the television and internet – to deceive you, because they are trying.

Our only hope is Jesus. Never forget that.

When it all falls apart (and maybe it has already started falling apart for you) remember Jesus. Cry out to him, start reading your Bible and pray instead of running to get the vaccine.

The vaccine is the “kill shot.”

You do not have to believe me, but there again, if you take the vaccine there will be consequences. They have programmed the masses into believing vaccines are a good thing. This is how they will deceive people into taking it. I warn you, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE.

We are going into the darkest time in American history but I have hope because I know that I will very soon see Jesus face to face. However, I also know that there will be much turmoil between now and then.

Please consider the thoughts of Solzhenitsyn who wrote this book while serving a sentence in the Soviet Gulag prison system. What was his crime? Writing a letter to a friend. The letter was intercepted by Soviet authorities who deemed it to be anti-Soviet propaganda as it made a joke about Stalin and criticized the Soviet regime. Solzhenitsyn received eight years for this act.

     “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Please take heed. You have been warned.

by Monique in Oregon and Carla in Florida

Comments (3)

  1. Gordon S Watson

    nope. I’m not buying it = your latest essay about The AntiChrist. The concept of one single human being as The AntiChrist, was cooked-up by the Roman Catholic church, when the Reformers were proving that the Papacy was the little horn, the mouthpiece of the Beast system
    I recommend that you use the rule of apologetics known as “the rule of first mention” … At the time of primitive christianity – there were already many anti-christs among them. Who is anti-christ ? Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel

    1. Pat Shannan (Post author)

      Readers should be reminded that Gordon S. Watson also still believes in the antiquated Luciferian myth that the earth is a ball spinning at 1,037 mph, while orbiting the sun at 66,000 mph, and at the same time hurtling through the Milky Way at 500,000 mph. We suspect that he wears a mask wherever he goes and believes that Joe Biden actually got more votes than President Trump.

  2. David Johnson (The earth is flat)

    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thes. 2:3, 4

    So, THAT MAN is not one single human being?

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