Since it’s clear that you’re NOT a “sheeple” and won’t blindly obey anything you’re told … 

… we have a question for you:  How many vaccinations did you get as a kid?

For people our age, it was about 5 or 6 all total. Did you know that kids today are required to get around 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they’re six years old? That’s kindergarten age! And by the age of 18, the CDC recommends they get 72 doses of 17 vaccines!

Furthermore, if a vaccine damages you or your child, you cannot sue the manufacturer!

Listen, we realize medical science is advancing rapidly and we want to prevent disease, but doesn’t that seem outlandish?

The mere mention of vaccinations in public sets off a string of heated conversations that hinge more on ideology and “groupthink” than actual truth and scientific fact. And with the current hysteria about coronavirus, there are multiple Big Pharma companies chomping at the bit to get a slice of the “billion dollar pie” projected to be generated from a coronavirus vaccine!

What used to be a private medical decision between you and your doctor is now public information, with forced vaccine programs now advocated by many for “public health.”

Don’t think that can happen in America? Think again…

States like California have already enacted forced vaccine legislation for children to attend school (both public and private). In light of the current climate of fear and panic, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that legislation could be passed which requires a digital “proof of vaccination” to travel or even assemble in a public place. Yes, they’re already talking about this!

It’s time to separate FACTS from FICTION when it comes to vaccines!

ANNOUNCING >> “The Truth About Vaccines 2020”

Interestingly, between 1991 and 2013, the Institute of Medicine published several reports documenting that vaccines can cause brain inflammation and other serious reactions, injuries, and death!

In other words, the adverse reactions to vaccines can be worse than the disease they are supposed to prevent!

We need to break through the dogma and uncover the science. Reserve your free “front row seat” to watch The Truth About Vaccines 2020 from the comfort of your own home beginning October 13th!

We have another question for you: Are we free?

That question may seem ludicrous in the United States.

In light of the current “lockdowns” and “quarantines” due to the coronavirus, many are beginning to question whether or not the government has overstepped its authority. Millions of people across the world are wondering whether our civil liberties and due process should “vanish” because of a virus.

Many are asking the poignant question: “Are our health freedoms being trampled?”

>> Take this 54 second quiz and find out.


Once you take the quiz, you’ll receive a downloadable eReport titled “Are Your Health Freedoms Being Trampled?” which will be a valuable asset, as it will take you back over 120 years to 1899 and then walk you forward to the current day, highlighting events that have influenced liberty and freedom.

Click here to take the quiz and receive your free eReport. When you do, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch our critically acclaimed documentary “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” beginning October 13th.

And always remember … Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

Yours in Health Freedom & Liberty,

☼ Ty & Charlene ☼

P.S. Remember the quote from Bob Marley: “Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.”