From the Desk of Mark Emery

Panama City, Panama
Hello Oceana,

Do you prefer to live in a ‘fantasy world based on lies and deception’ or ‘the real world based on facts and reality’?
Sadly, the (wanna be) powers that be are trying to force feed you lies and deception for the purpose of obtaining total control over not only your life but also, and more importantly, your soul and the future of this planet. (and ‘No’, this is NOT a ‘conspiracy THEORY’.  It’s a bona fide conspiracy.)
Let me get right to the point and be sure that you understand these facts so you don’t get led down a primrose path to your and our collective destruction (not an overstatement);
1.  There is no ‘Pandemic’.  A Pandemic is determined by being a global ‘epidemic’ which covers several continents and its severity is measured by the case fatality ratio.   Being that the case fatality ratio is largely comparable to the seasonal flu epidemic in many areas this is a ‘manufactured pandemic’.

2.  Covid-19 tests do NOT test for the Covid-19 virus thus one may only ‘infer’ or ‘suppose’ a suggested result based on the test findings.  They are highly inaccurate and unreliable and serve only as a pretext to create a narrative to create fear and submission to  unlawful mandates.  This so-called ‘Pandemic’ is manufactured and does NOT exist.

3.  It is a ‘given’ that ‘Many’ cases are unreported for any one of a number of valid reasons.  And whenever there are cases of the disease that are not counted, then the probability of dying from the disease is lower than the reported case fatality rate.

4.  It’s also well known that many, if not most reported Covid deaths are from patients with pre-existing conditions and co-morbidities who died ‘from’ other causes but ‘with’ Covid 19.  They are counted as a Covid 19 death.  Covid deaths are over reported.  
5.  One reason for over-reporting Covid deaths is the financial incentive.   Medicare pays the hospital $39,000 ‘MORE’ if the death is listed as ‘COVID-19’. 
6.  Once tested you are in the database for contact tracing. You don’t want this if you have any regard for personal privacy and self determination (i.e. control over your own life)!
7.  Contact tracing is merely a cover for the ability to enter your home, know who you associate with (who your support group might be) and remove family members from your home.
8.  The mandate for wearing masks to prevent viral infection is not supported by science whatsoever but rather is a psychological tactic to induce a sense of servitude (slavery). It also induces a sense among the herd to police their own into conformity through peer pressure and vilification of anyone who strays from the herd ‘mandate’ which is supposedly (falsely)  for ‘everyones’ good’.   This paper highlights this concept and is highly recommended that you take the time to read it so you can recognize exactly how you are being ‘played’ and conditioned.  (You will need to register for a free account to get the entire paper.  It’s worth it.)
9.  Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Canadian Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tam, the Queen of England and a host of other co-conspirators are being sued for a long list of ‘ultra vires’ acts through their unlawful mandates which have created untold damages to the Canadian people.   This lawsuit provides the factual data to prove that this entire attempt at social engineering is little more than a false charade being used to re-shape the global order and psychology of the ‘serfs’.    This video explains all.   
This is the lawsuit complaint filed in The Superior Court of Justice in Canada.   It is a full fledged research document in and of itself.   Be sure to review it in some detail for a full understanding of what is going on, not only in Canada, but all over the world including your own back yard.
10.  New Zealand is the test bed for implementing systems of total dictatorial control.  They have nothing similar to the Bill of Rights.  They are now showing up at peoples’ homes with military and/or police, entering the home without lawful warrant or cause and removing people to ‘quarantine camps’.   (Doesn’t this sound like European history from the 30’s and 40’s repeating itself?  Does a man named ‘Adolf’ come to mind?)
Oh, and to go and get your child or family member back?  All you have to do is sell your soul and take the mandatory DNA altering vaccine!  If you refuse, could your family member become a ward of the state and you go on a list to be excluded from all interaction with society and its support systems?
Whoops!   You didn’t see that one coming did you?!
Come Out of Babylon!
So now you can do 1 of 2 things.
If you like the idea of being told what to do, what to eat, how much you can eat, how to worship, who to worship, when and where to worship, when you can leave your home, who can enter your home, who can have your children, what you can buy, where you can work, if you can work, then I have good news for you.   All you have to do to allow this to happen is:   DO NOTHING.  That’s the ‘Easy Road’ which leads quickly to Hell.
If you find any of those conditions appalling and completely unacceptable, then you need to;
–  follow the links,
 – read the supporting material,
– understand it and
– share this with everyone you know.

Oh,  and one last thing…. Start praying like you’ve never prayed before.  Prayer can turn this thing around and it will if enough of us are doing it!   God is waiting to hear from you! He doesn’t want this any more than you do.

Then, Join THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT NETWORK where we are creating several communities of like minded folks which will help provide the support, tools and knowledge necessary to increase our own self sufficiency in health, legal standing, economics, finances and much more.   Go to http://csn.world and sign up now!
Yours forever in Freedom!