Real statistics show some media outlets are reporting fallacies about COVID-19


Fallacy-1:  COVID-19 has killed over 140,000 Americans

The death statistics compiled according to CDC guidelines represent those Americans who have died WITH the virus not FROM the virus. A recent CDC study found that 76% of those who died had one or more other medical conditions. In many cases, these medical conditions or chronic illnesses were the actual immediate cause of death. COVID-19 may have been an underlying cause or contributing factor but not the primary cause. A person who died from an auto accident and tested positive for COVID-19 during an autopsy might still have COVID-19 listed as a factor on their death certificate and included in the death total inappropriately. The real number of deaths caused only by COVID-19 is unclear.


Fallacy-2:  COVID-19 deaths are increasing as cases increase

Although the number of COVID-19 positive cases discovered per day is going up nationally, the number of deaths per day continues to go down. Positive cases are increasing because 44 million Americans have now been tested, three times more than the next most heavily tested country, India, which has performed 13 million tests. Georgia Health Dept. statistics show the number of deaths has been on a continual downward trend since April 16th. Virtually all states have experienced the same downward trend for nearly three months. Thus, the virus is not nearly as fatal as we have been led to believe by some “health experts” and media outlets.


Fallacy-3:  The U.S. has the highest COVID-19 mortality rate in the world

COVID-19 global statistics show about 3.7% of Americans who tested positive for COVID-19 do not survive. That is below the 4% world average. To find a true mortality rate for COVID-19, the rate must include all those who are carrying the virus but have not been tested. About 40 million Americans have been tested for COVID-19 and about 4 million have been found to be positive. The 10% positivity rate for 300 million Americans indicates that the U.S. may have about 30 million more untested asymptomatic carriers who are immune from the virus. That means the actual mortality rate of those contracting the virus is just over .3%. That percentage is continuing to decline despite increases in positive test cases.


Fallacy-4:  It is unsafe for children to go to school

The previously mentioned CDC study found 76% of U.S. fatalities from COVID-19 were those 65 years of age or older. Health experts almost unanimously agree that children have much stronger immunity and are largely unaffected by the virus. Statistics generally show that about 1% of COVID-19 fatalities are school age children. The most comprehensive Western study, which was conducted in the United Kingdom (UK), found school age children represented about .7% of total COVID-19 fatalities. Their portion of a .3% mortality rate is about .002%, or about 1 out of 50,000 COVID-19 carriers. The real rate is even less because the study identified only children who were hospital patients well after they contracted the virus and it had advanced.

Fallacy-5:  Surgical masks must be mandated to protect others

Surgical masks like the N95 are a key component of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). They are designed to protect the wearer and not the general public. According to the FDA“N95 respirators and surgical masks are examples of personal protective equipment that are used to protect the wearer from airborne particles and from liquid contaminating the face.”  This definition is consistent with industry standards and surgical practices that have been employed for decades.


Surgical masks like the N95 are nearly 100% effective at inbound blockage. There are near zero, if not zero, cases of medical professionals dying after a mask failure. Outbound blockage effectiveness is unclear since that is not what the masks were designed to do. Therefore, a person who wears a mask is protected against airborne and liquid contamination without a mandate regarding what anyone else does.


Garland Favorito

Boyd Parks

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