Don’t Catch the Moronavirus!

Moronavirus is an infectious disease mainly affecting dupes and low-IQ individuals who have lost critical thinking abilities. It turns otherwise decent people into dangerous carriers of disinformation.

Moronavirus appears to be highly contagious. It is being spread over TV and internet communications, and it is running rampant through both the mainstream and alternative media. Due to the number of “truthers” on the internet who appear to have the disease, it appears that the Moronavirus is actually an engineered weapon of a highly complex parasite, and it is being spread by the parasite’s drones.

Symptoms include:

  • Believing the baloney being spewed from Ashkenazi/Khazarian news media
  • Cheering as ZOG shuts down everything.
  • Advocating for “social distancing” and self-quarantining.
  • Chastising and shaming people who don’t agree.
  • Trusting the medical and pharmaceutical industry to help us stay healthy.
  • Waiting for Israel to release the vaccine they have been working on for years.
  • Thinking a surgical mask is a lifesaver.
  • Selective amnesia regarding recent “pandemics”.

If you or a loved one catches the Moronavirus, slap them across the face with the number of Americans who die from CORONAry disease every year. It probably won’t work, but it’s worth a shot anyway.