We received this email copy from David Hinkson this morning. It may give you a hint as to why he is in federal prison. Do you remember French Anderson from these pages?

In response to your email, about talking to Pharma Companies about the Corona Virus.
CORONAVIRUS: It is interesting that you state that you have five labs (in San Francisco), testing my Copper as a cure concept, on the Coronavirus; and now they state that this testing will take a full year; as this is not a very smart concept, as this Coronavirus is now out of control; and they really have no time; as many innocent people are going to die. Note, that I have already sold and tested over 100,000 bottles of Copper Supplement in the past, and had actually 6,000 medical doctors testing it on customers. Note, that there is now a real test to tell if a Virus is actually alive or dead; as most tests just measure current Viral Counts within the blood or body fluids! The Copper product will actually kill all Viruses throughout the entire Body System in just two hours, and this means that all Sexual Replication is suspended, do to the fact that these Aerobic Pathogens (Nitrogen Breathing) have all died, and the virus as an infectious problem can no longer be passed on to others; therefore the problem is solved now. Therefore, the real test that now needs to be done on the Copper should only take one day, and just a few short hours, and that is to test the Copper in an actual peetree dish, to see if it really kills all pathogens in just a few hours (if the PPM’s are at least +5 within the blood/lymph); and then after just two hours there should be no future replication measured or happening in the test dish. You should tell these pharma companies that Natural Health Food Supplements are not regulated by the FDA (see Hatch Act), and this means that they should be able to move much faster. Therefore, if they really want to save millions of people fast, they should do the testing in the lab pursuant only to measured Sexual Replication after two hours, and then move forward to abate this plague now to save people.

Note that the Water Zinc 100% actually stops Sexual Replication of all Viruses within just 15 minutes through the entire body system. Therefore, if a person were to take the Copper and the Zinc together they would no longer be contagious after just a few hours. Note, that Copper and Zinc each cross the Blood-Brain Barrier, Spinal Barrier and crosses into the Lymph System, to transverse through the entire Body System and in fact will appear any place that there is any moisture through this entire Body System.
CANCER: Remember, that Copper, in my opinion, is the only way to treat many Tumors that are now impossible to reach (even surgically); as Copper is the only product that can actually penetrate past all of the different Blood and Fluid Barriers. Therefore Cancer actually welcomes Copper into its very cell structure; as Cancer actually uses Copper to grow new Feeder Veins, but when too much Copper enters into a Cancer Cell the Cancer Cell dies; and in conclusion here, Copper, therefore, can penetrate everywhere, throughout the entire Body System (everywhere). As you can now see by your actual results you have Cured a few Cancers that were not too far along; but remember that when you add the other two ingredients known as Hydrazine Sulfate and Indium Sulfate (10 mg per day), to go along with the Copper, I have been able in the past to save each and every person whom we tested the Copper on. Also, if you have a person consume three large spoonfuls of Turmeric a day, it will stop all Cancers from continuing to grow; as it will freeze the Tumor size in their tracks.
Therefore, you should have a person consume the Turmeric, Hydrazine Sulfate and Indium Sulfate as a package, along with the Copper, and then you will save a higher percentage of people. For example, this combination of these items would have saved even Steve Jobs. Thank you for sending Rush Limbaugh an email about his Lung Cancer. Please send him more emails and offer to help him; as using the Copper along with the other items listed here is the only way to really deal with Lung Cancer in my opinion. Also, Congressman Lewis from North Carolina and Nadler’s wife now have Cancer. Cancer is still a real epidemic across the world. The reason that Cancer is increasing across the planet in my opinion, is that Mankind is actually lowering the Oxygen Levels in the atmosphere, as they increase the Carbon levels; and a decrease in Oxygen increases the Cancer rates. This could be a more serious immediate problem, in my opinion, than Global Warming.