“The more I think back and read about the FBI since its inception, I realize its prime function always was to handle political dissent. I really think so more and more.” Retired FBI Agent Jack Ryan

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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Do not attempt to comment using the handle “Unknown” or “Anonymous”. Your comment will be summarily deleted.Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Say, “Aye”, Patrick Byrne

By Anna Von Reitz

I never knew Patrick Byrne until yesterday.  More’s the pity.  He’s the former CEO of  He resigned to protect the shareholders from any fall-out resulting from his testimony and evidence regarding the FBI knowingly and purposefully engaging in political espionage against both political parties.

Yes, you heard that right.  Both.  It wasn’t just Donald Trump.  Or Marco Rubio. Or Ted Cruz.  All of them were targets, but so was Hillary Clinton.

And the whole object of it?  Blackmail.  Trying to get some dirt on the candidates to use against them both before and AFTER the election….

You see, it isn’t just about who wins or loses, or which political party is online to do what bit of nastiness.  It’s about being able to blackmail them the whole time they are in office.

That’s what the FBI has been told its job is.

The career field agents were deeply shamed by the whole set up.  They knew what was going on and couldn’t stop it.  Their “superiors” were corrupt and giving them corrupt orders and they knew it.

But what do you do when you are a grunt with thirty years in the service, and nowhere else to go?

This is why it is so important for those of us who are outside the Federal Box to stand tall and stand guard and help those who are inside the box, because they are Americans, too.  And most of them are very loyal Americans.

One of the things that Patrick shared was a warning he received to the effect that if he came forward,  if he cared about America— he’d be killed and the Washington Establishment would grind him into dust.

I’d say it’s time we all turned on the headlights of this old jalopy called “America” and roared our V-8 Engines.  It’s the Beltway Denizens that are slated for the stamping mill, and their bosses, too.

The IRS, FBI, and BLM along with numerous other “Federal” Agencies — none of which have any constitutional right to exist — all of them are nothing but private subcontractors on our soil operating under color of law — are being run by a single renegade corporation calling itself the “GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES”. 

So who owns this eff-up?  Who are the board members directing this crap?  Who are the shareholders benefiting from it?

These are the people that killed LaVoy Finicum.  These are the vermin that made the Wildlife Refuge Occupation an “issue”.  These are the little lying sneak-thief cheat experts not doing their jobs– and sitting there fat and sassy, on our payroll, talking down to us.

These are the rodentia responsible for the mis-administration of the IRS/Internal Revenue Service. And now, these are the same people responsible for political espionage for the purpose of blackmail.

So who are they? Where are they chartered?  Where do the Board Members live?  What kind of car do they drive?  What kind of toilet paper do they use?  What kind of religion do they practice?  Who are the shareholders? What do the shareholders say about this?

How much more of this criminal crap goes on before they lose all those juicy “Federal” contracts?  And have their faces plastered on billboards and posted in Post Offices as criminals?

Hey!  All you researchers out there, all you legal eagles, all you Constitutional Sheriffs, all you Continental Marshals, all you US Marshals….. come on! Get the lead out!  This is a clear and present danger to our whole country.

If a Great-Grandma in a place like Big Lake, Alaska, could figure this out in ten minutes spent on a computer doing a multiple data-base search — what possible excuse do you have for standing there with your thumbs up your?

And when you get the answer and you are still too afraid to do anything about it, come to me.  I’ll be glad to show you how to nail hides to barn doors.  It’s an old-fashioned pioneer skill.

As for everyone else reading this, let’s show the Beltway Scum that cost Patrick Byrne his job what we think of them, by doing all our holiday shopping at  Let’s also join in saying a prayer for this country and for  all of us.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna’s website here:

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Posted by Paul Stramer at 7:04 AM  

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Labels: “Aye”Anna von ReitzPatrick ByrneSay


  1. sleigherAugust 27, 2019 at 7:50 AMReply
  2. Oh isn’t that convenient? It was all of them including Hillary.

    uh huh…

  3. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 8:06 AMReply
  4. Anna had asked for prayers for Patrick and for all of us to put out investigative hats on to find the people pulling the strings
    The top families as this guy reports – pull out all the names from this guys reporting, look them up, put pictures with their names
    Bank of Italy (aka Bank of America) is huge in all of this
    These families are amassing the telecom industries and everything else

    5G is Skynet and it is the SMART City, resilient city initative to track and trace everything on this planet
    The facebook connection and Peter Thiel (he attends Bilderberg group meetings)

    2012 NATO Summit in Chicago Cover For NATO Implementation Of SKYNET Terminator Program

    NATO is the new world order army

    Read everything on this guys site lots and lots of information on his site about what is happening in Canada and elsewhere around the world
    He also supplies information about free energy, no need for their oil, etc etc etc
    Get to investigating, I am working my end to identity the Councils of Governments all across the country
    3,140 counties they have eliminated and moving all of us to regionalism/communism while they make green new deals behind the scenes to provide the serfs with bread crumbs and lead and flouride polluted water
    All while stealing us blind

  5. Patricia Ann HouseAugust 27, 2019 at 8:07 AMReply
  6. We must stop paying them, and we must take up the reins of this buggy and drive it home. The State Assemblies are forming up and we need people who love this country, who love freedom to get aboard for the ride and start creating the solutions.
  7. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 8:35 AMReply
  8. The AMA (American Murder Association) created by the Rockefeller Foundation
    Depopulation is the name of their game under the UN agenda
    Georgia guidestones is no mistake, they intend to murder the entire planet for their world order and nothing left but slaves to be caretakers of their planet

    Decoding the Georgia Guidestones

    PUBLISHED GLOBAL 2000 Report presented to Jimmy Carter who I might add is now a world elder
    World elders, how about that who knew
    Carter played his role to the tee, the peanut farmer who is now a world elder? Seriously
    Chemtrails and 5G

    5G as Mass DEW – Directed Energy Weapon – Georgia Guidestone Prophecy

    Listen to what the guy says about the transmitters that they have put in street lights, light bulbs, pretty much everywhere
    AT & T is a member corporation of the CFR and I would guess that all telecom industries are part of the CFR
    There is nothing noble about any of them
    In the above link about who ole T o m C r u i s e is
    We need all hands on deck all around the world

  9. Replies
  10. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 8:50 AM
  11. Ole Tom’s new movie top gun? Spokesperson for Scientology blah blah blah – appears that ole Tom is a member of one of the mob families
    Same with ole George Clooney
    It’s All in the Family
    And by the way did anyone see the trailer for the new movie they were going to put out ‘The Hunt’
    I know many do not watch tell lie vision but we can gain insight to what their plans are – this is why they want all weapons
    Anyway just some information that might help
  12. Reply

  13. James PansiniAugust 27, 2019 at 10:52 AMReply
  14. Maybe our whole approach to this situation is flawed…!! We can’t fight everyone…its useless..!! What we need is an old fashion prayer that will take care of the problem for us…after all isn’t it the devil we are fighting…then God seems to be the logical solution ….!!

    Look at this video about Jonathan Cahn, a messianic jew, turned Christian , who explains that it is almost over if my people hear my voice, I will heal them..

  15. Replies
  16. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 11:08 AM
  17. Jonathan Cahn (CON)
  18. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 11:35 AM
  19. He is an actor, like Bernie Madoff, you know like Bernie made off with all the investors money
    Telling you the whole damned mess is one big con on the whole world
    Including Silverstein (Jerry Stiller, who by the way played the role of Nicole Brown Simpsons father), Weinstein, Eggstein all of them actors in on the con, CIA assets
    Larry A. Silverstein is Jerry Stiller
    And the blog below explains this as well 1.8 million actors on the world stage including humpty dumpty
    Just things I have found, you can believe them or not
  20. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 11:52 AM
  21. Princess Diana or a fraud
    Theresa May is Princess Diana
    How about super man Christopher Reeves
    Superman is not dead: John Major played by Christopher Reeve!
    And just last week I posted about how ‘Reagan’ was put in office prior to the release of the Iranian ‘hostages’ and by golly guess who the Ayatollah was when that happened
    Reagan also Governor of California when charlie manson and helter skelter took place and ole Charlie was held up on an old movie set
    Ayatollah Khomeini was Sean Connery
    It’s all in the acting families, it’s their craft, spells
    Again you can believe it or not just putting it out there
  22. AbbyAugust 27, 2019 at 11:53 AM
  23. Shelby, I really think you ought to stop trying to turn names into conspiracies and mysteries. Afterall, there are only so many letters in the alphabet. No, not everybody is an actor; I think you have gotten way too carried away with all the ‘name game’ you present.
    Nevertheless, as jamespansini just stated, it is absolutely true that ‘it is all over but the shouting’ which is what Pastor Cahn is saying. What do you know about this particular guy Cahn? Do you actually have evidence that he is a ”con’? I doubt it; we must be careful before we go around giving people a black eye.
  24. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 12:04 PM
  25. Here’s a D C judge
    Merrick Garland Chief Judge is chief actor fraud Judd Nelson
    Like I said, just putting the information out for those who want to look at it
  26. Wink WinkAugust 27, 2019 at 9:42 PM
  27. Shelby, we agree on Jon Con, jew. Not having read his baal book, but would like to guess Jon Con doesn’t go much into the fact that 911 was by & for the JEW, an enriching shekel-shaker holocaust of OUR GENTILE PEOPLE. Or that JEWS received messages not to go into Jew York on that day & the JEWS just forgot to mention it to us Gentiles.

    Jonathan Cahn
    Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic rabbi and biblical scholar best known for his best selling novel The Harbinger, in which he compares the United States and the September 11 attacks to ancient Israel and the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. In particular, he sees Isaiah 9:10 as a prophetic warning to the United States. It was followed with The Harbinger Companion: With Study Guide. Wikipedia

    Sen. Al Franken: One of the widely disseminated stories was that no Jews died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day. To tell you the truth, I got the Jew call. I had an office in the Trade Center where I used to do most of my writing. The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. “Al,” he told me, “don’t go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul [September 11, 2001.].”

  28. Reply

  29. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 1:11 PMReply
  30. I’d say lets not spend a dime at any of their crown owned places on any of their roman holidays
    H a l l m a r k – the gold crown sticker they give you to put on your cards envelop – ringing any bells for anyone now
    No joke rented an apartment in Tenneessee guess what the name of the corporation was
    I kid you not since 2008 I have been receiving signs of this whole unraveling
    Like in the movie Fools Rush In – there are signs everywhere
    Got a call in Arizona when I was unemployed for a job in Switzerland
    Unemployment electronic benefit card issued in Arizona had 666 on it
    DHL a German owned company comes to US buys up US companies then goes belly up 3 years later
    I worked with a guy there name Borg Syburg
    I’m telling you this guy here reveals what’s going on
    They did not lose WWII
  31. Replies
  32. Wink WinkAugust 27, 2019 at 10:15 PM
  33. Shelby – found this on & its a good reminder of just who is destroying the Catholic Church: JEWS.

    The Crown = assumed authority of the Pompous Pope
    “The Papal States were extinguished by invasion in 1870 and the Vatican was created by fascist Italy in 1929 … The notion that statehood can be created by another country’s unilateral declaration is risible: the UK could launch Canterbury onto the international stage.”
    — Geoffrey Robertson, QC, legal counsel in many landmark cases in constitutional, criminal and media law in the courts of Britain and the commonwealth.

  34. Reply

  35. ShelbyAugust 27, 2019 at 2:45 PMReply
  36. The vatican and the banks that conspired in 2008 to collapse the world
  37. Replies
  38. PinkhamAugust 27, 2019 at 4:46 PM
  39. Shelby, that website and photos, and accusations you suggest has a Big flaw in it. What flaw? Timing, far off. The Thieves don’t care about what you put up there. 99% of you have no skills to track them, and can not prove anything other than your words “Constructive Fraud”.

    The people who had successfully tracked them, who can help you won’t help, James Pansini admitted it being defeated. Why that guy says that?
    He said you people are prejudiced, or at least Anna is. By claiming the lien for “American Nationals only”. He said you only understand your own story, your problems and wanted him to work for free, for all your recovery. but you understand his country not, that they had been enslaved longer, that brought him and country men over to America to vest in your load of trust, paid for your 1933 losers’ benefits, etc.
    You want to use his help for free. There you have it.

  40. Reply

  41. Wink WinkAugust 27, 2019 at 7:58 PMReply
  42. We’re not supporting JEW PATRICK BYRNE. He had a long affair w Butina & introduced her to all of his JEWS & those in positions for HER BENEFIT which agenda he was in agreement, trying to get her into position to destroy Trump & OUR NATION thus us. Typical JEW.
    JEWS do these things w PERMISSION FROM THEIR RABBI’S. They must have permission from their rabbis, that’s how hive-minded they are. They are NOT independent, can never be independent, becuz to be independent is non-JEW. Did anyone note in his interview Byrne said Warren Buffett was like his RABBI? Well, we take that to indicate permission, instruction from Buffett to carry on his JEW SCAM, have sex w this JEW BUTINA AGENT, advance her cause as much as he can, etc.
    Then… uh oh… his little JEW NET started to collapse… Epstein papers perhaps? So he runs to JEW BARR, whose dad ran Dalton School that HIRED EPSTEIN, etc. So he runs to JEW BARR, like a good little jew, pleads for mercy, perhaps? Ohhh what a good little JEW he is now. Pity-the-JEW – NO. Never PITY A JEW.
    I do not care what his current Pity-Me story is, his whistle-blowing isn’t becuz he wants to ‘do the right thing’, he was about to get busted. JEWS LIE.
    Byrnes was given Overstock by his billionaire JEW parents, whose wealth is made off of OUR BACKS, harvesting us, contributing to their JEW FOUNDATIONS & CAUSES which is only to destroy us, OUR NATION, especially Whites. And every jew foundation is found CHILD COMPROMISE, DRUGS, TRAFFICKING, CHABAD, ISRAHELL, ADL etc or whatever JEW EVIL favors them. Taxes? Not so much.
    And as these JEWS do this, they purposefully PREVENT US ALL, ESPECIALLY WHITES from advancing in their OWN NATION.
    Hows that Kosher Tax Extortion Racket working for the JEW? Another JEW TAX we pay those ‘bastards born of satans backside’. Agents for the Crown & Vatiscam, given license to STEAL OUR EVERYTHING including OUR CHILDREN just so long as they do their job for their PHARISEE JEW MASTER-BAITERS.
    Absolutely NOT a prayer for that SPOILED JEW BRAT. Oh, his pitiful loss as CEO… HOW MUCH HAS HE DONATED TO US? HOW MUCH HAS THAT JEW DONE FOR US? Pity-the-JEW cuz now he can’t be boss, as HIS OWN JEWS now vie to steal his company from him, like roaches smelling fresh meat.
    Let’s enjoy the JEW-DEMOLITION-SHOW & pray they are all taken down, into the sea & shot in the eye w a laser.
  43. Replies
  44. Wink WinkAugust 27, 2019 at 8:19 PM
  45. … and we’ll be buying locally, even from family members who do beautiful work, for gifts. NOT FROM JEW OVERSTOCK.
  46. Reply

  47. James PansiniAugust 27, 2019 at 11:18 PMReply
  48. You guys are getting the wrong impression of the messanonic jew ribi, Jonathan Cohn..!! It’s true he was raised by the torah, but by age 8 he discovered that there is a big gap between the Torah and the bible…at least that’s the way it seemed…!!

    But he got a message from Hal lindinsy about the “late great planet earth” that he wrote about some 20 years or so back…!! The truth of the matter is you need both to put the massassia together…there are words in the Torah that do not appear in the bible but are needed to understand the meaning of words…!! He just wrote a new book called “The Oracle” that explains it all if you dare and look…!!

  49. Replies
  50. Wink WinkAugust 27, 2019 at 11:59 PM
  51. We love you, man, but we’re just going to say: The Torah has nothing to do with Christians, Christ, Christianity – Nothing.
    We do not need the Torah, nor anything of the jew.
    The jew is the polar opposite of Christian. A jew cannot ever be a Christian in truth & Christianity is truth. No ‘jew-Christian’ can, nor will speak truth. It will FAVOR THE JEW & the jew is a lie.
    We’ve learned that to hear a jew is to hear poison. We must decide if we can handle their poison even to hear them. Once we learn & do step away from the jew long enough, to even hear the jew speak is painful to the senses.
    We are not kidding.
    WE de-jew. If a jew is on a video, we probably won’t listen. Once you’re away from the jew, it allows your senses to heal. Its deeper than that. But our senses heal, so when we hear the jew, we are capable of sensing, hearing, seeing their lies, as subtle as they can be. We’re not kidding.
    We love ya & Peace (not Piece, eh)!

Comments (3)

  1. Anthony Clifton

    where did the first Jesus hating “JEW” show up with a copy of the

    curiously, in Nehemiah 13:3 one can read about the holy Racism
    of the children of Israel from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin
    and Levi…but how does a Jesus hating psychopath with a copy
    of the Talmud make it into the Text…{John 8:44}..?

    the issue first is understanding WHO the Children of Israel are
    in Genesis 49. [There are no “Jews” in the First five books of
    the Bible.

    There were no “Jews” dragging a Toe of Ra through the Sinai
    for 40 years…

    also, There were no Baltimore Colts or Green Bay Packers
    at the Alamo….

    in the above book the Fiancee of Duff is Skye, she was working in
    her Father’s “pub”…the White Horse.

    just finished that book last night…

    tie me kangaroo down sport

  2. Anthony Clifton

    what tribe in John 8:44 are the Money Changers and Pharisees allegedly
    from…having never been in bondage {v.33}..?

    the so-called FBI works for the ADL…B’nai Brith

    Remember Gordon Kahl, The Weavers, The Mass Murder of the Davidians,
    OKC McVeigh {{{SUCK BOMB}}}…

    on air…that gorilla kinda looks like ….you.

    on to the wall humping religion of the degenerate perverts
    called TALMUDIC TERRORISTS…who will never be “Israel”.

  3. Anthony Clifton


    proselytes to talmudic judaism from the land of gog & magog will never
    be “Israel”.

    not that the braindeadgoy are gonna suddenly homicide Talmud Vision
    or anything reasonable like tell the truth about the global
    synagogue of satan psychopathic crime syndicate that prints the
    currency and owns the media, and pays the crack whores in
    {{{CONGRESS}}} to avoid the truth everyday…

    cause you know…muh holocaust

    six million itty bitty {{{JEWS}}} …not one Hebrew.

    and the stone of destiny is in Scotland

    no one on Earth has to stay in the stool sculpture deity
    cult compound….

    {{{THEY}}} could come out

Comments are closed.