The Duty to Bear Arms

 by Pastor Butch Paugh

For decades the “war” over the people’s right to keep and bear arms, or the Second Amendment, has only intensified as both sides become more adamant about their beliefs and how they “interpret” the Second Amendment and the founder’s true intent.

There is no need for me to quote figures and facts that, without a doubt, prove unequivocally that gun control, for prevention of crime, has never proven to be effective!  Quite the contrary in fact. And there can be no doubt that history absolutely and unquestionably establishes the fact that when governments confiscate the weapons from the people that it inflicts massive evils on the people.  Even to the point of mass exterminations!  In this article my endeavor is to enlighten all people, especially those who profess to be a Christian.  That the so-called “right” to keep and bear arms goes far beyond what our founders called a right.

While I certainly understand what our founders were promoting when they spoke of all men being created equal and that they are endowed (furnished with a permanent property) by their Creator with certain unalienable (cannot  be transferred) rights, I can see now how this statement, that was very clear to them, has faded in the hearts and minds of their posterity.

In today’s society, the understanding that our founders had of the word “rights”, is not what is understood today.  It could be far better understood if we grasped the fact that their writings conferred a duty to the people.  Not merely a right, as we understand the word today.  In today’s interpretation, we consider a right to be a choice.  We have a “right” to do something if we desire, or a choice not to if we so desire.  In other words, we have a choice to exercise that right, or ignore it!  This is probably the main reason we are losing our liberties piece by piece today.

Let’s look at this issue from the same point of view, I believe, our founders did.  The Biblical Christian point of view.  This may shock some, anger some and thrill others.  Because most of the people in America simply do not care what the scriptures say, and the fact that most “church goers” have no in-depth understanding of the scriptures for two easily understood reasons.  They very seldom, truly, study the scriptures for themselves, if at all.  And the pastors, are not a whole lot more studied in The Word than their congregations on most issues!  Most have become dumb dogs who can’t bark. (Is. 56:10)

The teachings of God’s Holy Word, preserved for us in The Bible, translated from the oldest texts available, the 1611 KJV, we will examine the facts.  As much as many people would like to change the truth, it is totally unchangeable!

Keep this one obvious fact in mind.  Evil men, lawbreakers, will always be armed!  Only good men, well armed, can maintain and preserve a safe society!

Let’s settle one important point before we continue this article.  God, Jehovah, Yahweh, does not give mankind rights!  He grants mankind blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience!  God, alone, is sovereign!  What our founders listed as rights were, in their minds, duties to protect, defend and pass on to their posterity.

God’s Word commands mankind to arm themselves for self preservation individually and nationally!  Now knowing that the masses, in general, don’t give a tinker’s dam for what God’s Word says, I will try to enlighten the few who do and especially those who sincerely desire to serve him.

In the scriptures you can easily find numerous commands and references for the “people” to keep and bear arms!  Let’s start with the book of Numbers.  It is commonly called the “War Book” of the Bible.  You will see there in Chapter One that God’s people, then and now, were commanded to be prepared to defend themselves, their tribes (states) and nation.  This is the foundation for the idea of militias comprised of “normal” citizens.  Certain age groups were given the “right” (duty) to arm themselves and to be trained to go to war!  It was their duty!  Not a right!

In Nehemiah chapter four, you will find another instance where the duty to keep, bear arms and be ready to fight, was required.  Read this for yourselves folks if you want the truth!

In II Kings Chapter 11, you will find the example of what righteous men will do when confronted with a tyrant.  Please read this for yourselves to gather all the details.  A wicked woman, by the name of Ahaziah, after her son had died, had all the righteous heirs to the throne she could find killed and usurped the throne and declared herself the “king”!  Totally out of God’s will for His people and creation!  Women were not and are not to be rulers over men!  Yeah, I know they are now, but that’s simply because we have effeminate men who tolerate it.

One young righteous heir to the throne, by the name of Joash, survived her murderous act.  He was hidden from Athaliah by a family member, for several years, until Jehoida, the priest (preacher-pastor) called out the “militia” to place the righteous heir on the throne once again.  He took the weapons that were in the church (temple) and gave them to men to protect the new king and had Athaliah put to death for her wicked deeds.  Yes, church members should be armed!  And do their duty!

Exodus chapter 22 verse 2 states the matter clearly.  If a thief breaks into a home, the homeowner has a God given duty to protect his family, home and property.  Even if it means killing the intruder.

But preacher, the Bible says, “thou shalt not kill”. (Ex. 20:3) Christ, Himself, clarified this commandment in Mt. 19:18!  “Thou shalt do no murder“!  The word “kill” in Ex. 20:13, is Strong’s no. 7523, which translates to “murder”.  Most church goers never study the scriptures in depth enough to be able to discern good from evil, and rightly divide the Word of Truth! (II Tim. 2:15, Heb. 5:14) Let’s move on.

Before we look at the final two scriptural commands to arm ourselves in order to protect ourselves and families, let’s look at the Bible for an early example of what we would call today, “gun control”.  Take a look at I Samuel chapter 13.  Saul had sinned and Israel was under judgment.  The Philistines had taken not only the weapons of Israel, but also took the metal workers out of society, so no weapons could be manufactured.  Tyrannical governments always seek to disarm citizens, turned subjects, for total control.

We will now look at a couple of scriptures in the New Testament to further, and finally prove all of our duty to arm ourselves.  Christ Himself told His disciples, of which I am one, in Luke 22:36, that He was going away, and He instructed His disciples to start supplying their own needs with a wallet and money.  But He also explicitly instructed (commanded) them to obtain the sidearm of the day, a sword.  Today it would be a handgun.  He was so adamant about it that He told them that if they were broke to sell their coat and purchase one.

Just in case some of you are thinking, well He told Peter to put his sword back in its sheath, or in today’s terms, put your handgun back in its holster!  He explained that it was not the right time for him to use it.  He did not admonish him for having it!  He was to keep it for the right time, if needed, for self defense.

One last scripture that I am very certain at least some of the people that go to church has read at least a few times, but most have a very shallow understanding of.  That scripture is found in I Tim 5:8. He is directing this to His people.  Specifically, in most cases, to the man of the house.  The man of the house was to be the spiritual leader, teacher and example.  He was to “provide” for his family physically, with food, shelter, clothing, education and whatever else that was needed for his family.  Including protection!  The word “provide” in the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary includes to provide a means of defense!  This commandment is so serious that we are warned that if any man does not fulfill all these needs, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel (heathen – unbeliever).  My friends, infidels do not inherit the Kingdom of God!

Clearly Christ said if you love me, you will keep my commandments (John 14:15).  He also instructed His church to go into all the nations teaching them to observe all things that He commanded us.  This includes self defense.

Of course, I completely realize the lack of my writing skills, but there has been enough scriptural proof to convince anyone who wants to believe the truth, that what we call a right to keep and bear arms, is actually a duty to God.

Enough said by the Pistol Packing Preacher.

In Christ’s service,

Pastor Butch Paugh P.P.P.