‘Get the hell out of office!’ Lou Dobbs and Matt Gaetz tear into ‘sell out’ Paul Ryan for Trump betrayal

Rep. Matt Gaetz slammed House Speaker Paul Ryan for calling President Trump’s claim that the FBI spied on him during the 2016 campaign incorrect.

Ryan sided with House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy and others Wednesday in essentially defending Obama’s FBI and declaring there was no evidence to support the president’s “spygate” claims.



Gaetz and Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs tore into Ryan for his betrayal of the president.

“There is no defense today for Paul Ryan siding with the FBI and Department of Justice over against those of us in the Congress who are working for transparency and accountability,” the Florida Republican told Dobbs on Wednesday.

“And there is no way any criminal prosecution could ever be brought against this president based on the bias and the mishandling of evidence,” Gaetz continued. “But instead of our speaker standing with us and putting the focus on the FBI’s refusal to turn over documents so that we can perform our oversight duties, instead, he was defending the FBI, and that is deeply frustrating to me, and we need the speaker to be an institutionalist for the Congress, not to be a defender of the deep state.”

“And he is that, and he is a defender of K Street and Wall Street and the Koch brothers,” Dobbs concurred. “The man has sold out, he’s been obviously sold out for years.”

“The silence from our very own speaker is deafening,” Gaetz said. “Speaker Ryan needs to step up, he needs to join us in a call for a second special counsel, and for goodness sakes, stop defending the FBI’s collection of intelligence on the Trump campaign when they refuse to give us the documents to show whether or not they broke the law.”

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 Dobb’s fired off another scathing rebuke of Ryan, who announced he will not be seeking re-election.

“Why in the world would your conference not say that’s enough?” Dobbs asked. “Mr. Lame Duck Speaker: Get the hell out of the office, you’re going to send us to perdition and destruction in the midterm elections.”

Dobbs was far from over.

“This man doesn’t have a plan. He doesn’t have a strategy. He doesn’t raise money that any other speaker couldn’t raise. He certainly is not a strategic thinker,” Dobbs argued. “He is anti-Trump, he has been so throughout. He is a disaster, and the disaster is going to consume your party, do you not agree, if he is locked in that speakership?”

Gaetz explained that for the first time, he is hearing conservatives in Congress speculate about kicking Ryan out of his position as Speaker.

“As you know I run in the conservative circles of the House. And I have never up to this point heard a single person talk removing Speaker Ryan from the speakership,” Gaetz said. “Today for the first time I was hearing colleagues say, ‘Well if Speaker Ryan won’t stand with us in this fight over the essentials of our democracy, not weaponizing the intelligence community against a presidential campaign, do we need to look at other choices?’ So I think that remains a lingering question.”

Watch the entire clip with Rep. Gaetz and Lou Dobbs in the video below:

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Comment (1)

  1. MartinBrian

    He’s always been a RINO. He’s never been a true conservative. He sells out. He compromises, for years now. Let’s not act surprised. Next he’ll be compromising with lawbreaking illegals and turning them loose on America. It’s what these kind do.
    Got Rope ???

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