We received this from a close friend an hour ago.

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You get a frantic phone call from an old friend.  Because she (or he) is so distraught and talking so fast, her or his voice, though close to what you remember, is just a bit “off” but, under the circumstances, close enough.

“I’ve been in a bad auto crash, I’m shook up but OK.  The other driver is seriously hurt and I’ve been arrested, in jail charged with DUI.  Because I’ve been fighting with my husband (or wife), I can’t call him/her.  You’re the only one I can call.  I need you to write down this case number and my lawyer will call with some information.”  After assuring that you have the “case number,” she/he hangs up.
10 minutes or so later, your phone rings.  It’s her “lawyer” who asks you to verify that you are the “friend” by giving him the “case number”.  He then begins to ask OTHER questions (clearly to put you in the positive response mode required for the REST OF HIS SCAM TO WORK)!
You refuse to answer his questions and begin interrogating him, demanding the “bottom line” (from a “lawyer” in NJ when his “client” is in Atlanta?  RIGHT!!) finally getting down to the amount of the “bail bond”.  The idiot starts out at $10K and you respond that it will cost $1K (10%) for a bondsman.  This WORM comes back with  No, we’d need it all.”
Smelling the rhino-sized RAT on the other end, you play along by telling him that you know the “client’s” spouse and will contact him/her directly.  The “lawyer” fades, and the call is terminated.
That happened to my wife today, and she really wasn’t sure if it was her friend Eileen calling or not. Sounded like her, but the conversation was too brief.
Just thought you’d like to know that there are pieces of excrement out there who are apparently harvesting relationship info from social media sites (FB, etc.) and using the info for criminal purposes.
I’m rethinking my participation in Zuckerworld as I write this.  If I remain, it will ONLY be to use it as a way to reach the patriots among us before the growing divide here causes the SHTF for real.