1938: The Iconic Crying “Czech” Woman of Sudetenland

By Mike King  

Caption from the American National Archives:

“The tragedy of this Sudeten woman, unable to conceal her misery as she dutifully salutes the triumphant Hitler, is the tragedy of the silent millions who have been `won over’ to Hitlerism by the everlasting use of ruthless force.”

Caption From My 1982 High School History Book:
“Woman in the Sudetenland weeping upon the annexation to Nazi Germany.”
Caption from Historiana (EU) Website
“This photograph shows a woman in the Czech town of Eger watching the arrival of German troops on October, 1938.”

The woman in this iconic photo is very sad. By the way, she is not “Czech.” She is German. Now why would a German woman of the city of Eger (today known as Cheb)be so sad at the sight of German troops arriving to claim the city?

The Germans of Czechoslovakia were placed under “Czechoslovakian” rule against their wishes after World War I. Shouldn’t she be happy that the German “Sudetenland” is uniting with Germany? What’s her problem, lady?

Why is she really crying? Let’s have a closer look at the original photo, in its entirety…

Oh oh. Somebody is BUSTED! The “sad woman” was cut out of context so that you wouldn’t see the whole picture. Evidently the more sensitive type, she is crying TEARS OF JOY(very common among happy German women at the time) at the sight of liberating German troops. Had the photo included the reverent woman in the center, and the euphoric woman on the left, we would have figured that out. That’s why the newspapers of yesterday and the history books of today cut the other two ladies out.
“Fake History is the Fake News that has passed into the rearview mirror.”
— Mike King


You will NEVER hear the REAL story of World War II from this commie-creep, Ken Burns, or his co-conspirator Lynn Novick. But Mike King & ‘Sugar’s ‘The Bad War’ will give it to you straight!