Q Nails It! MKUltra Used by “Operation Gladio C” to Pull Off Valentine’s Day Massacre

Monday, February 19, 2018 10:51

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QAnon:  MKUltra and the Florida School Shooting, Cell Phone Tech and Psychotrop



How the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program Creates ‘Mass Shooters’ and Turns ‘Lone Gunmen’ Into Patsies





“The United States has been under the complete control of the “Very Deep State” (much deeper than Deep State) for decades. The “Very Deep State” (VDS) uses the alphabet soup agencies of the U.S. Intelligence Community to monitor and police every sphere of life in American society.  Just like the Soviet Union of the last century, there are no secrets.  Only now there really are NO secrets anywhere in the 50 states.  Not only is there is a vast network of undercover citizen spies who operate in every county, agents of the VDS are surreptitiously inserted into every organization of note nationwide.  The present National Security State, with its full-spectrum surveillance regime and spying apparatus, actually functions as a full-blown, communist police state (where the FBI=KGB, literally).  The Shadow Government (a clandestine, autocratic and all-powerful global entity), that oversees the U.S. Federal Government, uses Operation Gladio C (via NATO command and control) to manufacture consent via government-sponsored terrorism.  Mass shootings, in particular, are methodically used in this way to terrorize the body politic into supporting draconian measures that erode national sovereignty. Undermining the American Republic is the single most important objective of Operation Gladio C.  Other nations are experiencing their own versions of Operation Gladio C as seen throughout the European Union, the Middle East, South Asia, Central and South America, Mexico, etc.”


State of the Nation

*This exposé contains privileged information submitted
by a former U.S. Intelligence Agency insider.  SOTN is
quite appreciative of all the info/data submitted to us from
former intel agents, government insiders, military officers,
agency whistleblowers, investigative journalists, armchair
detectives, deep researchers, Internet sleuths, sidewalk
investigators and many other great patriots.
Thank you! 

The United States of America has been under relentless terror attacks by foreign and domestic agents of the New World Order globalist cabal.  All of these false flag terrorist operations are carried out under the rubric of Operation Gladio C, a super-secret enterprise and organizational derivative of NATO’s notorious “Operation Gladio”.  The following article explains how Obama illicitly completed the legal framework which permits this state-sponsored terrorism on U.S. soil.

“FALSE FLAGS” are LEGAL PROPAGANDA Produced by the Department of Defense

“Operation Gladio” is well-known throughout intelligence circles and military leadership worldwide as a covert and ongoing NATO-run terrorist operation.  Those intel and secret service agents, with firsthand knowledge of NATO’s many false flag terrorist attacks conducted in Europe and the United States, quietly call it the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization”.

That’s not to say that Operation Gladio (OG) conducts their terror attacks by themselves.  There is now a prodigious body of evidence — circumstantial, anecdotal and hard proof — on the Internet which points directly to their intimate collaboration with the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, DOD, local law enforcement, as well as many other silent partners (e.g. SERCO) in the execution of the OG black operations.

Foreign Outsourcing Giant SERCO Takes Over the US National Security State


Virtually every mass shooting and bombing that has taken place in the USA since President John F. Kennedy held office has been carried out according to the dictates of Operation Gladio C.

KEY POINT: Why NATO? Why SERCO? Just like the FISAgate scandal revealed that Great Britain’s FusionGPS fabricated the fake Trump dossier and Wiretapgate exposed the UK’s GCHQ as unlawfully conducting electronic surveillance of Trump Tower, the Brits are regularly used to distance the American perps from the U.S. crime scene. (This also is why British Petroleum was chosen as the villain for the 2010 BP Gulf oil spill—a MIHOP black operation.)  NATO is similarly utilized, especially the British military leadership, to oversee Operation Gladio C in order to assert plausible deniability should serious exposure occur.  SERCO, headquartered in Hook, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom, performs all the behind-the-scenes detail work necessary to successfully manage the cover ups.

An objective assessment of the 3 biggest bombings on the U.S. mainland since 1990 clearly indicates government-sponsored terrorism.  Even though the official record does not indict (or even indicate) any government participation (read: FBI, ATF, CIA) with these major terrorist attacks, they simply could not have been conducted without the U.S. government’s foreknowledge and active involvement, particularly with the transparent cover-ups.

(1)  1993 World Trade Center bombing 
(2)  1995 Oklahoma City bombing  
(3)  2001 Terrorist Attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon

Furthermore, it has been proven, both scientifically and practically, that each of these bombings could only have been executed with the support of criminal elements within the FBI as well as other rogue agencies within the U.S. Federal Government .  In each case, those who were accused and/or indicted of these grievous crimes were falsely convicted and harshly sentenced for atrocities they did not commit.

To ‘successfully’ implement these foregoing major criminal conspiracies required a massive and highly organized network of co-conspirators.  Such a sophisticated network must have had the full cooperation of the U.S. Intelligence Community to include the CIA, FBI, NSA, and DIA at the very least.

Because of the sheer depth and breadth of these false flag black operations, these 3 major attacks on America must have also received tacit approval and material support from countless agents of Deep State throughout all three branches of the U.S. government.  The entire Military-Industrial Complex as well as the Silicon Valley Tech Corporations are likewise conscripted to support these blackops as follows: Why did Google Earth conspicuously censor Internet photos of missing security camera next to the Parkland FL high school entrance door?

This is exactly how Operation Gladio C works.  It utilizes the very same strategies and tactics that Operation Gladio A and B use only applies them specifically to domestic mass casualty events (MCE).  These meticulously staged attacks are executed as false flag operations designed to terrorize the American people.


Terrorism by its very nature creates an atmosphere of extreme tension (and fear) wherever it is perpetrated.  The very purpose of Operation Gladio C is to generate so much tension throughout the United States that the body politic will concede to whatever demands the political class is cynically legislating on behalf of their NWO masters.  In fact, laws are now systematically made this way; manufactured consent paves the way for oppressive legislation that further imprisons the citizenry.

It was the deliberate implementation of this “strategy of tension” throughout Europe that allowed the totalitarian superstate — European Union (EU) — to be established.  The false promise to eliminate war between member nations was held high as a byproduct of the EU So was the false expectation to eradicate terrorism Europewide which has significantly increased.


Ever since the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks — another “Operation Gladio” project — the United States has seen a dramatic uptick in state-sponsored mass casualty events.  Many of these have taken the form of mass shootings and bombings.  However, it is specifically school massacres via a lone gunman which have disproportionately increased.

While the Las Vegas massacre is an obvious exception to the pattern, that October 1st Harvest Music Festival shooting spree was a typical Operation Gladio C psyop.  Which is exactly why it was disappeared from the Mainstream Media (MSM) new reports so quickly; it contained inexplicable elements that revealed it to be a very sophisticated and highly organized CIA-directed, FBI-protected black operation.

30 FBI Agents checked into Mandalay Bay Hotel 1-2 days before Vegas shooting?

When these mass shootings are staged in schools, it’s clear that there is a very purposeful agenda.  Not only did the recent Florida high school MCE produce a torrent of MSM coverage (sometimes know as Operation Mockingbird propaganda), it was all focused on stripping the American people of their gun rights with the ultimate goal of repealing the Second Amendment.  The Parkland, FL mass shooting also served to change the national conversation from the ever-worsening FISAgate scandal, which it did.  The article below spells it all out.

VALENTINE’S DAY MASSACRE: Here’s why the Florida high school mass shooting was a false flag black operation


It’s essential to understand the correct organizational structure which is responsible for coordinating and executing these never-ending school massacres.  Operation Gladio C is the code name given to over-arching strategic plan which guides these black ops.

KEY POINT: The primary reason that homegrown terrorists are trained to commit acts of domestic terrorism under the command of Operation Gladio C is that military officers cannot disobey orders.  If they do, they risk their careers.  The also make themselves vulnerable to prosecution, which is conducted under a cloak of secrecy due to bogus ‘national security’ concerns.  This is similar to the patently illegal chemtrail spraying program, which is also a massive military operation directed by the U.S. Air Force and known as OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD.

The peak decision-making process is informed by the central planners within the US military and NATO leadership who have overseen the European franchise of  “Operation Gladio” since World War II.  “Operation Gladio” is still very much in play today as they were when the Red Brigades and Baader-Meinhof Gang (both left-wing terrorist groups) were terrorizing Europe in the 1970s and early 1980s.  The recent terrorist attacks on the European Continent are also a testament to this as are the Al Qaeda, ISIS and Daesh terror MCEs staged across the Middle East.
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