At Least 3 Major Media Orgs “ordered employees to destroy Trump”

 Fox News ratings champ Bill O’Reilly insisted Monday there is a media plot against GOP nominee and friend Donald Trump and O’Reilly may be close to spilling the beans on which networks are behind it.

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O’Reilly was analyzing Sunday night’s presidential debate between Trump and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton with Bill Hemmer on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” when he dropped the bombshell charge.

“It’s a complicated situation, but I think everyone can agree — except for the media organizations that now have ordered their employees to destroy Trump — there’s at least three of them,” he claimed. “And, I can’t say who they are right now because I don’t have it nailed down, but I am 100 percent convinced.

“These media organizations have actually put out, ‘If you support Trump, your career is done.’”

Hemmer interjected to clarify that his guest was not talking about individuals, but news organizations.

“I’m talking about big conglomerates. … News organizations have sent, not officially but through the corporate grapevine that we don’t want anybody supporting Trump. If you study it, you can see which ones they are,” O’Reiily replied.

O’Reilly said Trump’s performance during the first 30 minutes of the debate equated to a “huge win,” in that it allowed the candidate to survive the leaked video of him saying lewd things about women.

“That was the key to Donald Trump’s life. Not just the presidential race, his life,” the O’Reilly Factor host said. “If he had faltered in those first 30 minutes, his brand was done, he was done and the election was over and everything. But he didn’t falter. He took what came at him and he turned it into at least a stalemate.”