Marilyn Barnewall’s Evidence of Corporate Governments at All Levels

Part Four, a further installment of Weekly Series For Constitutional Education

By Marilyn M. Barnewall

colorable libertyBefore providing you with the following information, I must state that I am not an attorney and have not studied the law.  I’m a retired banker who has done a lot of research on this subject.

What we learned in Part I is that federal, state, county and city governments and most of the departments and divisions that are part of them are incorporated.  We learned that corporations function under Articles of Incorporation, not a Constitution and that’s how we lost our constitutional rights and courts.

We learned that corporations are governed by business laws having to do with Maritime Law (also called Law of the Seas or Admiralty Law both of which are historically very old) and the Uniform Commercial Code.  We learned that Constitutional Law is based on Common Law (which is based on substance and the will of the people).  For example, under Common Law we are provided the alternative of not testifying against ourselves; that is not part of Maritime Law.

To understand the damage that has been done to our nation, we need to define the word “colorable” – its meaning, its impact on our currency, our courts, and our Constitutional liberties and the limits the Constitution places on government.  It is from the meaning of the word “colorable” that the virus of death infecting our nation breeds and keeps breeding… like Ebola, it dissolves every major life-giving organ in its path until death ensues.


Lawyer-Money-Scales-JusticeTo be “colorable,” is for something to appear to be what it is not.  It looks real, you are told by your government that it is real and, in the example of currency, it is used or behaves as if it’s real, but it is not.  Take what you are told is a dollar bill from your billfold.  It looks like a dollar bill.  You can spend it like a dollar bill.  But it is not a dollar bill.  It is a Federal Reserve Note.  It says so, right on the face of it – at the top, above George Washington’s picture.

In the world of banking, what is a note?  Answer:  It is a loan.  It is credit.  According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, fiat money has no value in and of itself, but it can be exchanged… like Monopoly money.  A direct quote from the Minneapolis Fed:  …(fiat currency can be exchanged) “for goods and services… because (the people) are confident it will be honored when they buy goods and services.”

Money and currency are not the same.  We used to have money in America but when the dollar was no longer backed by gold or silver our “money” became a fiat currency.  These things called a “Federal Reserve Note” became colorable currency, something that behaved like money because people could use it to buy groceries, cars, electronics, etc., and also pay for services like health care and life insurance.  But it was not money.  It was colorable… it just serves as a paper currency.  Money is something of substance – like gold or silver.  For Common Law to exist, money of substance must exist.

If a (colorable) Federal Reserve Note becomes part of a contract, the contract also becomes colorable.  Colorable contracts, in turn, must be adjudicated under a “colorable” jurisdiction (system of justice – our courts). So when the colorable currency called Federal Reserve Notes was created, the government had to create a jurisdiction (court system) to cover colorable contracts.  The incorporated governments called this new form of jurisdiction Statutory Law because though it was based on the Uniform Commercial Code which is based on Admiralty Law, “Statutory” is neither. Thus, Statutory Jurisdiction is colorable. It sounds complicated, but if you think about it for a few minutes, it is really quite simple.

courtSo our courts have changed… how many times in the past years have you heard the term “The Petitioner does not have Standing to file this case… dismissed!”  We have been unable to file cases against our government even when clear abuses of power exist.  How many juries have been given rules they are told they must follow in determining a verdict, leaving them no choice other than “guilty” or “not guilty” regardless of what the evidence indicates?  How many judges have withheld evidence from a jury?  It has brought topics like “Nullification” to the forefront of the politically active.  Nullification deals with a jury’s right to dismiss from its decision of guilt or innocence the judge’s directions as to what the jury may or may not consider in reaching its decision.  Juries are empowered to nullify the judge’s directions if they feel it is justified.

All of this and more has been caused by the change from Common to a colorable form of Maritime Law called Statutory Law… a form of law required when our various governments incorporated.