To: (Any public servant elected or appointed)


Pursuant to Title 18 U.S.C. § 4 

Crime: As one of the people, it is my duty and obligation to report to you the crime of fraud on the people of the united States of America. 

Crime Victim:  The American people.

Criminal Perpetrator(s):  Unspecified members of Congress since 1862.

Background:  A series of investigations reveals a consistent pattern of criminal behavior has been committed by certain members of the Congress of the united States of America.

Scope of this document:  This notice deals with one such abuse. There are many others which will be dealt with separately.

Time Frame:  From approximately 1862 through the current time and date.

The authority by which you are compelled to act on behalf of the people of (Substitute the state):

  1. America, is a nation of laws.  As Americans we respect the rule of law.
  2. (State), one of the united States of America, is owed both a Republic and all the provisions of The Constitution for the united States of America from all and any successor organizations pretending to trade upon or associate themselves with that original equity contract by any similar name or representation.
  3. As a representative of the people of (State), you too are obligated to faithfully guarantee this form of government to each of your constituents.
  4. The Constitution demands you take an oath of office to guarantee your obedience to the law.
  5. The oath of office is a contract between each public servant and their respective constituents.  Upon receiving the first payment for services from the public treasury, the contract is consummated regardless of the status of the oath of office.
  6. Your oath of office obligates you to act on the part of your constituents to faithfully represent them and protect their interests.
  7. Public service is a trust. As a public servant you also have fiduciary responsibilities to protect the interests of the public trust of which you are a trustee. Your performance, in this area, is governed by trust law.
  8. There are absolutely no restrictions in your oath of office to prevent you or any other public servant from obeying your oath and fulfilling your sacred and solemn obligations and responsibility to support and defend the Constitution of the united States of America.  There are absolutely no restrictions!   No jurisdictional limitations and no authoritarian hierarchal restrictions.

The crime defined:

  1. In matters of lawful process, any lawful process fails on the first defect.
  2. There are no statute of limitations on fraud
  3. The 14th Amendment was fraudulently represented as properly and lawfully ratified.
  4. All legislative orders, bills, processes since this event are null and void.
  5. There has been no lawful federal government since about 1862. 

Required Action:

  1. By (Date Specified) the following remedial actions are to be faithfully executed on behalf of the people.
  2. Verify and publicly recognize the crime as reported.
  3. Notify all (Name of state) state representatives of this crime.
  4. There is nothing to debate, discuss or negotiate in this matter.  The evidence speaks for itself.
  5. Acting on behalf of all (State inhabitants), as the state assembly, notify the Congress of their criminal actions and breach of contract.  Immediately suspend all payments to the federal government pending resolution.
  6. Revoke the authority of the federal services corporation to act further on behalf of the people.
  7. Suspend operations of all district, administrative and municipal courts until the breach of contract is resolved and they begin operating as a de jure agency.
  8. Suspend all payments for services to all public servants not in compliance with the oath of office until Constitutional issues are resolved and all Constitutional protections are properly restored.
  9. All damage and injuries perpetrated on the victims of this initial fraud and all subsequent abuses must be corrected and remedy applied in the form of complete restitution to the satisfaction of the victims.

(your name), one of the people

(your address)

(your phone)

Comments (3)

  1. Suzanne Short

    Our America must return to the principles and God Given rights and liberties established within our constitution, that is, the Government of the People, by the People and for the People. These elected officials who continually abuse their oath of office and commit treasonous offenses against our constitution and American People must be held accountable for these criminal and treasonous actions.

    Our military should be supporting the American People and definitely our borders must be protected. One vital question is “Why isn’t our Military supporting the American People and abiding by their oath of office to keep us from harms way?”

    We the People must not allow our country to fall completely into the hands of the enemies……every one of us should indeed ask our Loving Lord just What actions each of us can do in order to maintain the steadfastness of our country and then to do what is necessary for our country to progress for all future generations.

    God Bless our America.

    The Touch Of God Upon Our Nation

    Most Precious Lord Jesus, Gentle And Wonderful God, Truly Awesome And Ever-present Holy Spirit, I love You, Lord Jesus. Please bless this nation in which I live. Please pour out Your Spirit upon this nation’s people and upon its leaders. Our nation has had times of trial and times of blessing. At this moment, we are facing grave dangers and trials we have not seen in generations. Because of this dark hour in our nation’s history, I seek Your Touch upon this nation and its citizens. Touch the heart of every man, woman, and child who lives within our borders. O Lord, open our heart to You and to Your Love. O Lord, open our heart to You and to Your Will for our people. Protect us from the looming darkness that threatens us. Protect us from the evil that lurks about both from within and from without. Protect our people. Protect our leaders. Inspire in all of us, the desire to do Your Will and only Your Will. Keep us on our knees before Your Cross. May Your Touch open the floodgates of our creative spirit, our imagination, our inventiveness, our growth, and our unlimited hope for the future. Inspire in us a heart to turn from every corruption. Inspire in us a heart to turn from every temptation. Inspire in us a heart to do and live only Your Will each day. All these things I humbly pray in the Name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon Whom I can rely. Amen.

  2. Dana


  3. John of Connecticut

    The following of God’s natural law is paramount. For the law of man, statutory and equity law, do not stem from natural or common law and have no concern for them, or the rights derived thereby. Choose your fate. Follow the law of God & nature and be free, or Follow the laws of man and be bound to serve men.

    The Red Amendment is the definitive book on the 14th Amendment. It is the culmination of decades of research, and illuminates the exact consequences of its adoption. It also illustrates the lawful remedy accessible to all Americans.

    The difficulty with the freedom/patriot/liberty movement is that no one actually knows the law or the status that the 14th Amendment imposes upon them. Consequently, these people are like Dante hoping save is beloved Beatrice (freedom) from the clutches of Satan in the 9 circles of Hell, but not knowing that his sins are the cause of his loss. Dante, as all freedom lovers, must first acknowledge and repent for his sins against God and Beatrice (freedom) in order to save her.

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