We don’t know Bethany Mandel or the website called Headline Politics that published this, but in only a few seconds, one can discern and be certain of one of two things: she is either very naive, too much so to be authoring this kind of piece; or she and the website are working for the enemy. See further clarification in bold below.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Nervous About 9/11 Anniversary


As the 9/11 anniversary of both Benghazi and the [bogus, false flag] attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon approach, the war on terror is inching closer to our shores.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should be nervous about the terror threat to the U.S. and our interests on 9/11/14.

1. In an interview with CNN, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel stated “We are aware of over 100 U.S. citizens who have U.S. passports who are fighting in the Middle East with [ISIS] forces. There may be more, we don’t know.”  The executioner of American citizen James Foley, and perhaps also of Steven Sotloff, was a British citizen. How many more Americans are at risk working and reporting in the region? We only learned of the capture of Sotloff after the death of James Foley. Does ISIS have more U.S. citizens held hostage?  Foley’s “beheading” appears now to have been faked and CIA whistle-blowers say ISIS is American-born, raised and funded.

2. Two of these Americans have been killed fighting for ISIS, most recently a former employee of Delta Airlines in Minneapolis. Does he have any terror associates still working in the airline industry? Of course, as many as necessary.

3. As we learned in the Boston Marathon bombing, there are Americans who hold terrorist sympathies on our shores. The sister of the bombers, Ailina Tsarnaeva, was recently arrested for making a bomb threat against a former love interest of her boyfriend. If the sister of the only terrorists to successfully perpetrate an attack since 9/11 on U.S. soil is freely walking around making bomb threats, who else is floating around under our collective radar? Former FOX News commentator Judge Napalotano said in 2012 that no less than 17 out of the 20 then-reported U. S. “terrorist incidents” since 9/11 were false flags created by the FBI. This was before both the highly suspect Sandy Hook school incident and the Boston Marathon frame-up and murder of one Tsanaeva brother and attempted murder of the other. Both were CIA assets who had attended a training school and were probably at the crime scene with backpacks because they were instructed to do so — not unlike previous well know patsies Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray.

4. This spring, CNN spent an entire month obsessing about a missing Malaysian jet. You may be surprised to learn that there are currently almost a dozen missing commercial jetliners in Libya, taken by Islamist [or CIA] militants. The Free Beacon reports, “Western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa… Among the potential targets are urban areas and economic targets, like Saudi Arabia’s oil fields.”

5. The Free Beacon also reports on another worrisome phenomenon: “U.S. intelligence agencies last month reported that a group of 22 Yemeni-Americans were training in Houston to be seamen on oil tankers, raising terrorism concerns over the unusual activity.” And just who would be allowing such a thing to go on in the USA?  Oh, yeah, now we remember.

We are not suggesting that there will be NO atrocities taking place in the shopping malls or downtown areas in one or more American cities on 9/11/14. We are strongly suggesting that whenever it happens, it will be home grown and blamed on another foreign group.