July 2014 Musings

Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader?

old-classroomThat’s the title of an entertaining TV show (there are few left) made more so by the warm presence of down-home comic Jeff Foxworthy. It’s fun to pit our own knowledge against that of ten-year-olds while they (usually) outsmart far more formally educated adults three and four times their age. But the real lesson here may not be so much what we never knew but what we have forgotten.

Let’s muse along together here this month. Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it, said Henry Ford. Maybe so, and a century later I sit here suspecting with plenty of evidence that that particular symptom within the modern ailments of humankind has worsened in this country; in which case I invite you to join me in some of this hardest work but promise not to make it too long, and not too excruciating – maybe just that of a fifth grader.

First, let’s agree on something easy – something so logical and obvious that only a dumbed-down simpleton or a liar participating in the deception could fail to go along with: evil men continue to do evil things behind the curtain and do so with clandestine protection. Jesus said they were of the Synagogue of Satan. I reckon the modern ones are no different.

The recent rash of public “shootings” has brought this to mind once again, and whether the last one was or the next one is either a false flag theater performance complete with actors (eg. Boston Marathon, Sandy Hoax) or a mind-controlled zombie actually killing innocent people (Santa Barbara, Las Vegas) can generally be determined by the final outcome. Did the alleged perpetrator commit suicide? If so, it’s an Aha moment – a definite sign to suspect MK-Ultra type programming.

But did the accused “killer” survive and not remember anything (Sirhan Sirhan, James Holmes) or end up being set-up then murdered while in custody (L. Harvey Oswald) or positioned to carry out all the preliminaries voluntarily (Tim McVeigh); or was he led to believe the ruse of participating in a drill (Tsarnov brothers) or actually lured by undercover others into buying a weapon just prior to the event (James Earl Ray) or did he officially disappear completely without photos or any background history (Adam Lanza) or fire seven shots into his victim from a 5-shot revolver (Arthur Bremer); or does the victim shoot himself (Vince Foster & Terry Yeakey) but leave no weapon at the “suicide” scene (until authorities amazingly find it right there later); or after threatening the President, is a bullet hole discovered in his head in the plane crash debris (Ron Brown) or is he shot three times in the face by “friendly fire” from ten feet away while in the military company of dozens of comrades but no witnesses (Pat Tillman) or is he found dead on his toilet a month after informing the Attorney General via a 100-page typewritten report of his knowledge of the truth of the 1993 Waco attack and mass murder at the church home of the Branch Davidians (D. C. attorney Paul Wilcher) or do three skyscrapers fall in one day – two dubiously because of burning jet fuel and one for no reason at all (9/11) or do airliners carrying hundreds of passengers disintegrate without a trace after crashing into a building (the Pentagon) or the countryside (Shanksville, PA), etc.?, etc.?, etc.?; then you can be reasonably certain that somebody is expecting you to believe a lie.

Do they believe we are dumber than fifth graders? Sometimes we are. Craig’s list recently advertised for “crisis actors” in Houston using a news photo of bleeding people lying on the sidewalk at last year’s Boston Marathon theatrics. How much more “in your face” can a deceiver be? (See our “False Flags” category at this site.)

With the history in mind, does there seem to be a common thread here; a serial killer or maybe even a serial faction? Is the FBI really so smart, lucky and proficient to stop 17 out of 20 “terrorist attacks” before they happen? (See “Who Conspired with Whom at Boston Bombing?” at this site) Hint: FDR as President said, Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way.”

dice-falling1This reminded the students of the Ronald Reagan shooting to rethink the official story from the Thought Police about John Hinckley, Jr. doing it to impress a young movie actress that he had never even met. (“Give us a break!”) Any thinking fifth grader would spurn that idea a moment after learning that the beneficiary of the murder, had it succeeded, would have been the elevating to the presidency of Vice President George H.W. Bush, whose family just happened to be close friends with the whole Hinckley family back in Denver. What are the odds? Ans.: too astronomical not to have been planned that way.

And the “dreaded” Taliban? During the decade of the 80s, when the Russkies were immersed in bullets and bayonets in Afghanistan, can you guess who the USA supported as “freedom fighters” against the dreaded Russians? Yup, that’s right, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. How soon we forget. Ol’ Sammy had been a CIA asset for years, and he and Big George the 41st had been partnering in the oil business, too. But by 1999, he was playing a new part in the script.

This should be enough to make anyone commit to the hard work of thinking for awhile. I hope it has begun for you.

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt,  letter to Colonel Edward House,  November 21, 1933

Now let’s drift over to the thought of Money, the omnipotent power hiding in plain sight about which I have yelled for three decades. Few heard then, fewer hear now. Merrill Jenkins termed Money to be: the greatest hoax on earth, which just happens to be the title of the greatest educational book ever written on the subject, authored by him.

Tupper Saussy (The Miracle on Main Street – 1980) helped me see the light first. Then, Merrill Jenkins educated me, caused me to wander as we might into the netherworld of Economics and made me realize that no man-made rhetoric will ever trump the Old Testament wisdom found in Deut. 25: 13-16.

Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small; thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a small; but thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have; that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD the God giveth thee. For everyone who does these things, everyone who acts unjustly is an abomination to the LORD your God.

Constitutionists are quick to remind us that the 1787 document is the supreme law of the USA’s land, but the small quote above is from the Ultimate Law of the world, and our founding fathers were wise enough to follow it while writing the local rulebook.

Yet the foolish of today want to think it is religion and call it “preaching.” No, it is Law, and it proved its worth in this country, too, for the first 125 years we prospered with virtually zero inflation; until the banksters sneaked in the central bank – straight out of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

The founding fathers of the U. S. A. knew in 1787 of the wisdom found in the God’s Law Book and, thanks to Roger Sherman, inserted it in Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution of the united[1] States: “No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver coin a Tender in Payment of debts.” It was the best storehouse of value at the time and still is – the “perfect and just weight.”

The gold and silver coin is the ideal just weight and measure because it does not fluctuate in value. (The counterfeit paper measurement varies but not the metal.) Boobis Americanus have been brainwashed by deceiving economists into believing that “gold and silver are a commodity” and therefore not dependable as money because of the fluctuating value, but this belief was implanted only after the real value was taken from the money and replaced with the imaginary measurement of credit and paper.

Current darlings of the money creators are Stephen Zarlenga and Ellen Brown, who proclaim that “Money need not have intrinsic value; its nature is more of an abstract legal power than a commodity.”

Having seen the real power of that “abstract legal power” in action the past century, we cannot fall for that deceptive and hollow rhetoric.

“Oh, but it [the FED] needs to be a national bank under government control and out of the hands of those evil banksters,” is the next countering reply. Oh, sure, right. Read again the first eight paragraphs above, where we witness over and over the multiplied “depravity of man” when he is funded and protected by his government. How many of these type secret operations could the alphabet Washington agencies even propose, let alone perform, if each was being first cleared and then funded by lawful money “apportionment” from the states? ANS.: Not a one. Zero, zilch, nary a single one.

The great United States of America has been operating on counterfeit money from the very inception of the FED, and should we move the control to another government agency, nothing will change but the faces and the outrageous amounts — which brings us to the final Thinking lesson of the day.


In 1983, I wrote a letter to President Reagan asking, “Dear Sir, I love this idea you talk about called ‘deficit spending.’ I am a little short this month and am wondering if you could spend a few with me. From what I see from the past, I won’t even need to pay it back during my lifetime and can stick it to my yet-unborn grandchildren. That’s great! Also, I am confused about my income taxes. If the government can create whatever amounts necessary to pay whatever it needs to pay, why do you need my income tax money each year to fund the government?”

The answer, of course, is, they don’t; and while a fifth grader can figure it out, Ivy League-educated Economists, with a wall full of graduate degrees cannot; or at least must continue to pretend that they cannot.

dollar-sign.jpgOf course, I never got an answer and am pretty sure Reagan (who, like JFK, thought he was president until they shot him) never saw my letter, but we will continue this thinking from my fifth grader’s sandbox coming up next month. I’ve got something else to tell you about this myth of “taxpayer’s money.”


[1] For four score and three years, it was the united States of America, termed so by the 13 original states that united together and were joined by others as the nation grew. Then, after the 1861 War of Federal Aggression and the dubious passing of the 14th Amendment, a nation called the “United States of America” quietly slipped into being and began to slowly gobble up something known as “state’s rights.” The legalized counterfeit money later began as the new nation’s strongest, secret weapon — hiding in plain sight.