Legitimate Journalism is Dead

As we have been saying for a decade or more, there is no such thing as “Investigative Reporting” anymore. Even the establishment writers and street reporters are frustrated with the way editors re-word the facts of current news stories. Here, Washington state Pamphleteer Carolyn Kiesz throws the facts into the faces of the mainstream editors once more.

~ Stick a Fork in it ~

fork-usaLegitimate Journalism is Done

by Carolyn Kiesz 

Back in early America, the “pen” was an instrument capable of precipitating massive change. Pamphleteers were common and served a useful purpose. They informed and brought truth to the masses, which  motivated many to take much needed action.

Journalists used to be “seekers of truth.” The reporters of bygone days were inquisitive, intelligent and driven to discover the unvarnished truth. They did not accept “press releases” or “talking points” and just run with them. There was pain-staking investigation into stories. The news was not just a transfer of propaganda from politically-driven government bureaucrats to “journalists,” for the purpose of convincing a population that a lie is the truth like it is today. It seems like we’re living in Orwell’s world, the world where Big Brother hands out the questions to be asked during a press conference. The dutiful mainstream “press” then spews out the carefully crafted information provided to them by the bureaucrats and it’s done.

Yet, there does seem to be a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Michael Hastings proved there were still some investigative journalists willing to defy the establishment. Even though Hastings met with a suspicious and untimely demise, he opened the eyes of the public, casting doubt on the existing relationship of journalism and the government. Then, Sharyl Attkisson, long-time CBS reporter and correspondent, was “let go” because her questions on Benghazi were apparently too uncomfortable for the “most trans-parent administration in history” to handle.

Also, the first female editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson, lost her job. Could it be related to her interview with Al Jazeera, wherein she said Obama’s administration was the “most secretive White House” she’s covered during her long tenure as a political journalist?

Recently, Trey Gowdy, South Carolina congressman, stood before elite representatives of the mainstream media outlets and asked them questions about Benghazi. We have below Gowdy’s introduction, a few of his questions to the press and his conclusion:

‘We will not waiver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act in Ben-ghazi. And make no mistake, justice will be done.’ That was the President of the United States over a year ago.

‘We’re investigating exactly what happened, but my biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice.’ That was the President of the United States over a year ago.

No one has been brought to justice. We don’t even have access to the witnesses. I’m going to ask you [the press] some questions and if you can’t answer these questions, then I’ll leave you to draw whatever conclusions you want to draw about whether or not the media has provided sufficient oversight. 

Can you tell me why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi the night he was killed? Do you know?

Do you know why an ambassador was asking for more security days and weeks before he was murdered and those requests went unheeded? Do you know the answer to why those requests went unheeded?

Do you know whether the President called any of our allies and said, ‘Can you help? We have been under attack.’ Can you answer that?

Why was Susan Rice on the five Sunday talk shows? Do you know the origin of this mythology that it was spawned as a spontaneous reaction to a video? Do you know where that started? Do you know how we got to no evidence of that — to that being the official position of the administration?

In Conclusion, Congress is supposed to provide oversight. The voters are supposed to provide oversight. And you [the press] are supposed to provide oversight. That’s why you have special liberties and that’s why you have special protections. 

I am not surprised that the President of the United States called this a phony scandal. I’m not surprised that Secretary Clinton asked, ‘What difference does it make?’ I’m not even surprised that Jay Carney said Benghazi happened a long time ago. I’m just surprised at how many people bought it.” 

(See complete but brief news conference with Congressman Gowdy at Media Bias category on this site)

Shame on those reporters. They are supposed to be the Fourth Estate — the watchdogs of government. They appear to be satisfied being lapdogs of the elite bureaucrats. The press simply sat there and silently listened to Congressman Gowdy’s questions. No one attempted a response.

Perhaps it is time for THE PEOPLE to become the Fourth Estate. If journalists cannot be convinced to do their jobs and find the answers to the hard questions, then who will bring forth the truth? How about us — the people?

If you are getting your news from only one source, then you are lucky to get a fraction of the true picture. You need to consider many sources, not just the syndicates of ABC, CBS and NBC. Along with FOX, you might consider CNN, Al Jazeera, RT and LinkTV. Each will have some truth and by using discernment, you will quickly see a more clear picture of what is really happening. Those not afraid to seek the truth can find it and share it on social media, just like those in foreign lands are sharing with us.

If reporters are afraid to do their jobs, or if they are part of an ideological machine pushing an agenda, then it is up to us to find the truth and put it out there for all to see. Whistleblowers like Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and others should be shining examples. Someone MUST dig to find the truth and get it out.

Legitimate journalism today is gasping its last breath. It needs resuscitation, or we may indeed have to “stick a fork in it.”

Comment (1)

  1. Anthony Clifton

    Back in early America, the “pen” was an instrument
    capable of precipitating massive change. . . .


    Pamphleteers were common and served a useful purpose….


    They informed and brought truth to the “masses”,
    which motivated many to take much needed action…..


    most all modern day so-called masses are verifiable braindeadgoy who
    “JEW” worship incessantly, on cue from Talmudvision….


    Remember the eternal words of Jesus @ John 8:32….!

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