Texas Man Faces Life in Prison for Pot Brownies

Comments (2)

  1. Defender

    commercial problem with a commercial solution, trade the brownies in silver bullion, since it is NOT recognized in “This State” which is the state of commerce where the FRN and gold are used and recognized as the mechanism of exchange, silver is not recognized so there is no legal obligation to government/banks..see? This should be a moment for you all to ask why we no longer have silver content in any of our money, not since 63′ in any significant amounts. What was the first executive order rescinded by LBJ after JFK’s murder, there’s your answer. Go and define what the law means by “This State” and you’ll be in the know. It is all about commerce and agreements that go with it, not law! Time to grow up folks..

    1. Pat Shannan

      It was 1964, actually, that the final 90% silver coins were issued. The lawful federal reserve notes were last redeemed for silver coin on June 24, 1968. After that, all money, coins and currency, were “legalized counterfeit” made evident by Art. I, Sec. 10 of the U. S. Constitution: “No State shall make any Thing except gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debt.” Also, LBJ’s first EO was actually a (hypocritical) condolence to the Kennedy family. The oft-spread rumor that LBJ rescinded JFK’s EO 11110 is not true and no such EO by Johnson exists. Pages 569-570 of Ed Griffin’s Creature from Jekyll Island explains why such a rescinding order was never necessary. JFK’s EO revised an earlier one (1951) by Harry Truman pertaining to Silver Certificates and not the Federal Reserve Notes either lawful (redeemable) or bogus (today’s currency).

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