John DeCamp: Columbine Shooters Used by Law Enforcement for “Sexual Purposes” Months Before Attack

eric-harris-columbine-pedohilia-victim-216x160After years of silence, John DeCamp has spoken out about what happened in the case against Solvay Pharmaceuticals where he represented Columbine survivor Mark Taylor.  John DeCamp is the Author of the Franklin Coverup, a former State Congressman, a Vietnam Veteran and the first attorney to sue the Catholic Church for sexually abusing children. Now that even the Pope admits to wide-spread pedophilia in the Church, let’s move on to these allegations of sexual predator cops.

According to Mark’s attorney John DeCamp, there was a conference in Chambers over the matter of introducing evidence supporting Solvay’s defense theory that the cause of Eric and Dylan’s intense anger was the repeated sexual assaults on the boys subsequent to their arrest for breaking into a van the previous year, 1998.  Here is a portion of a January 2013 radio interview where DeCamp discusses these issues.  He clearly  states, “[law enforcement handlers] used the boys for their own sexual needs and purposes.” 

There is, was, and always has been a written motive for the Columbine attack.

Clearly, you can see from the document below that the Government officials involved and the press have missed the real motive for Columbine which is clearly stated in this entry into Eric’s yearbook by Dylan.  This document has a “JC-001” bates number on it and was part of the original 11,000 pages produced publicly after the first investigation.  On the day of the attack, Eric wore a t-shirt emblazoned with the single word, “Wrath.”

“Ahhh, my favorite book (referring to hell on earth).  We’ll have so much fun killing enemies, blowing up stuff, killing cops!!  My wrath for January’s incident will be godlike.”  


Obviously, ALL of the alleged Columbine motives are dead wrong.  This crime wasn’t about hall-way harassment, bullying by jocks, the trench coat mafia, etc.  This is about two boys getting even for being raped up the ass by armed men wearing badges.

Here you have the motive, written in the hand of one of the killers.  Is there something confusing about what is written here?

The “January Incident” was the year before the shooting when Eric and Dylan were raped, arrested and booked for breaking into a van and stealing electronic equipment.  According to Eric’s mother (paraphrasing her deposition), Eric was very distraught and crying a lot after the arrest.

Remember, 60 Minutes brought out the fact that the Bomb Warrant to search the Harris home was hidden for 2 years.  Why?  Obviously, had the bomb warrant been served, the rapes by the JEFCO Sheriff Deputies would have come out.

CORRECTION:  The correct document number is JC-001-06237

Comments (8)

  1. john wayne

    Unfortunately the truth means nothing, Joe Public is misinformed and is fed lies constantly by the most vile creature, MsM. but Joe P is not working any more so he has plenty of time to get up to speed. This will not see the light of day I fear, its not part of the script.

    1. RealTruthSolvesTheProblems

      The internet media is actually far out performing MSM now. Millions if not bilions of people are aware of much more truth. A massive awakening is in process. The paradigm is shifting and more and more know the real truth daily. Its starting to make its way into arts like movies, tv, media blogs, books, magazines etc. They cannot stop it. In revelations it clearly says that power will be given to Gods prophets to warn humanity for 1260 days. I believe we’re in this period as truth is suddenly spreading like wild fire. Share real truth with everyone.

      Treat everyone as good, or better then you would treat yourself and your own family. Do this and you will not lie, or do wrong to anyone. Teach this, lead by example, and it will spread world wide as it is right now on a massive scale. Best of luck to all of you. Keep a positive mental attitude this is extremely important. God wants your thoughts positive and filled with good and truth. Ask him for forgiveness of others, yourself, and guidance.

      1. cliff

        Finally, after reading hundreds and hundreds of comments on dozens of web sites I find a common voice… you are dead on in your recommendation as to how to ‘fix’ any/every evil you encounter: forgiveness.

        We must identify and confront the evils of man, then offer utter, complete forgiveness. If the people would stand up to evils world wide, all at once, we would shock this world into it’s right senses. That would provide true (and final) justice.

        Leave “punishment” to their Creator.

        People who “demand justice” but consider this to be something done by the hand of man can only perpetuate the evil.

        But if we just confront the evildoer with “We know what you’ve been doing, we forgive you, but it stops here. You’re never doing that* again,” the cycle will end and peace will reign.

        [* “that” can be anything and applies universally; eg banksters, politicians, anyone violating the golden rule…]

        Think about it; someone filthy rich by virtue of, say, the rigged markets suddenly has to actually do something honest for once. They get to keep their houses, jet, what have you… but how long do you think they could hold onto anything like that once the filthy lucre stops flowing in?

        Trust me, this IS the one way we can fix anything. Evil is entrenched and armed to the teeth. Confront it with anything other than utter forgiveness and you’ll get a “wounded bear in the corner” reaction out of the perpetrator(s).

  2. john wayne

    also, this is truly shocking, incredible, police slash military state-imposed tyranny. Absolute flsflg, alarm bells, ff bizzaro reality

  3. jerit adamson fourman

    Shooters were on SSRIs, right? “Serotonin-reuptake–inhibitors.” Those allow demons to possess humans, right? So, cops rape the boys, boys fill with rage, and the demons whisper a demented “solution” for “revenge.” I’m saying cops were ORDERED to rape the boys, and the demon (or demons, or right-brain-masters, or dream-antagonists, astral-projecting illuminati, whatever) had a plan… For what it’s worth.

    1. Randomly Hiccupping Ballads

      You just completely exonerated the boys of even a shred of personal accountability for their actions with your absurd comment. Congratulations, I see you hate responsibility too.

      “It’s not my fault. It was the demons!”

  4. Stephen A Pettigrew

    Those who had knowledge of what was going on and not informing the proper authorities should be charged with, at least accessory to these unbelievable crimes on innocent children by the ones we were told we could trust to uphold justice.


    If anyone still has doubts about whether police officers are capable of such a thing, please refer to the extensive list of DA’s, detectives, police officers, police chiefs, secret service agents, and other law enforcement officials who have been found guilty of sex crimes against children. Also, take a look at the ‘punishment’ some of these parasites get- such as the police chief who raped a three year old baby TWICE and was given FIVE YEARS PROBATION. clearly there is a major issue here. I’d also like to reference that according to over 60% of prison rapes are committed by STAFF, many of which are ex police officers, ex military and so forth. The word used to describe the rape situation in prison is PANDEMIC. here is that list:

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