rized to assassinate the 45th president…”

The Biden bunch has a government hit squad!

It’s been confirmed that the Obama-Biden DOJ and FBI authorized deadly force against President Trump, his attorneys, guests and family at Mar-a-Lago when they “raided” it in August 2022 in order to seize documents they had planted one year before.

I believe they were hoping for resistance and literally wanted to have a pretext to assassinate President Trump and burn the place down. This is NO joke.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton even posted about it. He is the most likely candidate for Trump’s next AG.

RUDY GIULIANI: “Newly released documents in relation to the Mar-a-Lago raid show that armed FBI agents were prepared to confront President Trump and engage with the Secret Service with deadly force. In other words, they were autho

They hid these documents until now. The fake news is trying to con people – saying this is “standard procedure” – NO it is not.

Christina Bobb – Trump’s attorney – was there that day at Mar-a-Lago (while the FBI told her to wait outside while they tossed the place) and now realizes she was a target for assassination.

Did they want to create another WACO? That’s what I think.

Even the Washington Post reported that several FBI guys were against this show of force but Team Obama-Biden went ahead with their plan anyway. Trump was gracious and kind and welcomed them in to Mar-a-Lago every time they requested access to search for the documents they wanted. Thankfully he wasn’t there on the day of the raid.

Merrick Garland is denying that his team planned to use “lethal force” but the cat is out of the bag. He said it was “standard procedure.” LIES.

Team Obama-Biden has lied about the raid since the beginning. They were there to try to find any documents that Trump had that might incriminate them for spying on him and framing him. In fact, they planted “classified documents” in the boxes that were shipped to Mar-a-Lago so they had a pretext for the raid and attempted assassination. THIS IS HOW SICK THEY ARE!

Even worse – as I reported earlier – Ron DeSantis KNEW that Obama-Biden planned to raid Mar-a-Lago and never said a word! SNAKE.

Shortly after this information was uncovered – President Trump held a rally in the South Bronx – in AOC’s district. She is beside herself. She was hoping it was rained out – but it was not.

After the Bronx rally was announced, a woman on Twitter named Kathryn Grace Jordan threatened to “shoot to kill” President Trump. Really. She is followed on Twitter by Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota! NOT KIDDING.


She has posted threats before.


Her account was suspended on X.

25,000 plus people came to see President Trump in the Bronx. AOC was not happy. She even broke out the hot rollers!

AOC on the real story behind that Marjorie Taylor Greene exchange

This is the overflow crowd – the people who couldn’t get in – not the main crowd.

President Trump loves New York. He grew up there. He and his family helped build New York. This is personal.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving America the middle finger. But we are not going to let this continue. We are not going to abandon our hope and our pride. This city has given us so much, and now it is time that we are going to give it back. Together we are going to make New York City great again, and simultaneously we are going to make America great again.”

New Yorkers showed they love President Trump too.

This was the best warm up speech of the day. Her message to the Democrats running New York was sensational: “Keep your welfare, we DON’T want your welfare, we want jobs.”





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