Dr. Fauci Took Buffoonish Projections from Garbage Investigator to Crash US Economy

 — Neil Ferguson Was Internationally Known for His Goofball Predictions

www.thegatewaypundit.comMay 1, 2020, 11:40 AM

We now know that the China coronavirus is a deadly disease — except with children and healthy adults.
If you’re in your 70s or 80s with comorbidities it can be very deadly.

We also know that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx rushed into the Oval Office in early March to warn President Trump of what to expect from the impending pandemic.
Fauci and Birx told President Trump the US could see up to 2 million deaths from the coronavirus.

WOW! Dr. Fauci Admits He and Dr. Birx Were the Two ‘Experts’ Who Persuaded Trump to Kill the Economy with Their Garbage Predictions of 2.2 Million Deaths!

Where did the good doctors get their numbers in early March?
Ad why did they push these wild predictions when no country in the world had over 15,000 deaths at the time?

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx got their numbers from Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson.

Neil Ferguson has a long record of buffoonish predictions.

Ferguson was wrong about the bird flu, mad cow disease, swine flu and now coronavirus.
And yet the media and Dr. Fauci took this guy’s predictions to push the lockdown that crashed the US economy.

Given the track-record of Imperial College’s Prof. Neil Ferguson, who panicked HM Government into changing policy and enforcing the insane “lockdown”, it’s definitely not science that HM Government is following.#EndTheLockdown pic.twitter.com/C8p2kRxm5B

— TREVOR ALLMAN (@TrevorWAllman) May 1, 2020

Neil Ferguson was wrong on mad cow disease back in 2001.

And here’s @neil_ferguson in 2001 predicting up to 136,000 deaths from mad cow disease, which then fell to 50,000 – until he added “mad sheep” disease to get back to 150,000. Can’t make it up.

Professor Ferguson does love scaaaary predictions, doesn’t he?https://t.co/NxehtiAT9N

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 24, 2020

Neil Ferguson has a record of grossly exaggerating his disease predictions.

And yet Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx used his numbers to push the current lockdown?

Dr. Fauci should have been fired years ago.
And now we have 30 million Americans out of work because of his ridiculous assessment!

Fauci misled @realDonaldTrump to lock down the US economy via INTIMIDATION using faulty computer models projecting up to 2.2 M deaths in the absence of ACTUAL empirical evidence for an emergency.

Did you know such an act qualifies for “Domestic Terrorism”?https://t.co/adFC2g0ImS pic.twitter.com/3mPMTxQtbB

— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) April 30, 2020