The hounding of Sandy Hook skeptics: Halbig threatened; Amazon.com removes NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK

Posted on November 22, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn

If you still believe the Sandy Hook school massacre of December 14, 2012 is real, please read this post and ask yourself why the skeptics are being threatened, stalked, and their book now censored by Amazon.com.


Wolfgang Halbig is the former Florida state trooper and school safety consultant who, in February 2013, invoking Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), began phoning and sending letters to Newtown and Connecticut officials, asking for answers to his questions about the Sandy Hook massacre. A year after, Halbig had not received even one response.

Worse than not answering his questions, Halbig said that in late December of 2013, two law enforcement officers in plain clothes from Florida’s Lake County Sheriff’s Office warned him that if he would not stop asking questions about Sandy Hook, theConnecticut State police would file felony charges of harassment against him. The two officers then advised Halbig to “hire an attorney.” (See “Sandy Hook massacre was a ‘contrived event,’ says former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig”)

On May 6, 2014, Halbig traveled thousands of miles to confront the Newtown Board of Education, but was met only with silence. On April 24, 2015, the State of Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission finally granted a hearing to determine if Newtown improperly had withheld documents. (Click here for the FOI hearings.)

On November 9, 2015, after doggedly pursuing the truth about Sandy Hook for nearly 3 years,Halbig announced on his Facebook page that he must quit because he fears for the safety of his wife and grandchildren. He writes (I’ve edited his statement for typos):

I need to share with all my Sandy Hook Justice supporters that what happened yesterday to my wife having been harassed at her workplace with her work e-mails and all the people who work for her were also harassed with their work e-mails which is uncalled for.

My wife loves her job and this has now caused me to make a decision. I cannot do this by myself begging for donations and then be slammed by these scumbags everyday that I am FRAUD.

I thought that the donations would also help me in hiring Private Investigators which this case urgently needs. Whoever takes this on in my place I will suport you and transfer funds remaining.

I cannot lose my wife of 39 years and to hurt her and my family when she has nothing absolutely nothing to do with this investigation is very cruel.

They are now stalking me physically, taken pictures of me while traveling and then telling me that I should not give the ducks to my grandchildren because they have been specially prepared makes me think some kind of poison has been added to those ducks. [See “Sandy Hook, Oregon college shooting, and the 10 ducks”]

The ducks make it seem funny but when you specially prepare them for my grandchildren and then give me a warning it must be true.

My phone number will not change, my home address will not changebut I need to step away so these people whoever they are will leave my family in peace and not hurt them.


Less than a month ago, Amazon.com listed for sale a newly published book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, which was co-edited by Professor James Fetzer. Contributors to the book include Professor James Tracy, Dr. Eowyn and other professionals.

Almost immediately, a small battalion of “reviewers” who haven’t read the book attacked the book on Amazon, giving it a one-star rating. But they were outnumbered by the 5-star ratings given by readers who had purchased and actually read Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. Below is an example (click to enlarge).

Three days ago, I went on the book’s page on Amazon, and saw that the book had more than 80 reviews and an average rating of 4+stars, having received plenty more 5-star than 1-star ratings.

Today, if you go on that page, you won’t find it. Instead, you get this message:

We’re sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site

Similarly, you won’t find Nobody Died at Sandy Hook if you conduct a search on Amazon for books authored by James Fetzer. His other books, however, are still being sold on Amazon.com, including books on other hoaxes and conspiracies — the moon-landing, JFK assassination, and 9/11. But not the newly-published book on Sandy Hook.

You won’t find Nobody Died at Sandy Hook on Amazon because even though Amazon was making good sales on the book — 500 copies in less than a month –they’ve removed Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.

Amazon’s CreateSpace claims that Nobody Died at Sandy Hook “was found to contain material, which may include cover image, title and/or product descriptions, that is in violation of CreateSpace content guidelines. As a result, this content [book] has been suppressed through your account and removed from all sales channels.”

James Fetzer does not believe the reason given by CreateSpace. In a blog post, Fetzer points out that:

Create Space and amazon.com review every submission for its suitability for publication and conformity to their guidelines before they are accepted for publication. They accepted and published NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK on 22 October 2015, nearly a month ago. There is no good reason for this book to now be taken down for further review other than that it has become a sensation and has the potential to embarrass the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama, which appears to be the underlying problem. 

Fetzer continues:

A book that addresses a politically-sensitive issue that has been central promoting the [gun control] political agenda of the administration turns out to be too threatening and has to be suppressed on any ground the[y] can contrive. What could be more telling than that they have taken the book down but cannot explain the reasons for suppressing it….

Halbig concludes with this ominous question:

Does that make me and the other contributors[of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook] targets for government assassins?

In order that Americans know the truth about Sandy Hook, Fetzer is making the book available free for anyone to read. To read/download the book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,click here.

For links to all the posts FOTM has published on Sandy Hoax, go here.

Please help by reblogging this post and distributing it via social media and email. Please pray for theSandy Hook skeptics who are risking their safety and that of their families in pursuit of the truth.

Thank you.


Dr. Eowyn’s post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds.