
Comments (2)

  1. Elle

    According to JURY NULLIFICATION the statement in the ad above isn’t necessarily incorrect! If the law being broken IS A BAD LAW, breaking it shouldn’t be criminal! So……you can read this sign in a variety of ways. As a patriot, as a human being who understands we are governed by a corrupt system, a system of many BAD LAWS which go against everything that SOVEREIGNTY represents, I wholeheartedly agree with that ad!

    How many people even know that Jury Nullification as a RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE even exists?
    A jury can nullify a law during a court case, by letting a defendant go even if they know the defendant is guilty of breaking a law! This is one of our most powerful rights and powers as citizens!

    Please check into ‘The Fully Informed Jurors Association’ !!!

    1. Pat Shannan

      Good catch, Elle! Remember that the INI slogan is “News for People that can Think,” so we are glad to have you. And yes, I have been a long time supporter of FIJA, having known its founders as well as having passed out much of its literature at courthouses and doctor’s offices over the years.

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