Barack Obama – The Man Who Stole America

by Robert Quinn

August 28, 2014


A Letter To America

Six years ago, I started reading articles challenging whether Barack Obama was ever eligible to have sought the office of President of the United States. The more I read and researched the more evident it became that he had perpetrated the greatest political hoax ever against our nation. Following is a recap of my writings on this issue which conforms with what millions now proclaim, namely, that the man currently in the White House is not, and never was, the President of the United States; a man who will do anything to prevent his birth records from being viewed, as you will read in this and future articles. In a previous election, I was prepared to vote for Herman Cain until he dropped out of the race, and I, a Caucasian, am prepared to vote for another African-American in 2016. My voting is not based on the “transparency” a candidate claims to have but on the “transparency” he or she exhibits.

Has our Constitution become an obsolete document? Approximately 235 years ago the Revolutionary War ended and the United States of America was born, liberty proclaimed and laws enacted under the new Constitution. At that time, John Jay wisely convinced George Washington to include in it, under Article 2, Section 1, the limiting of the Presidency and Vice-Presidency to “natural-born” American citizens so that no one with a dual-nationality or other foreign allegiance could adversely affect the governance of our country, a provision ignored by many in today’s political arena, who treat the above Article (as well as other parts of our Constitution) as “throwaway” pieces of legislation if they conflict with one’s ambition. Obama deliberately deceived America by preventing access to virtually every document bearing his name and knowingly approving a fraudulent “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) and a later fraudulent 2011 “Certificate of Live Birth” (long form) as proof of eligibility. He did not seek valid copies of documents from proper authorities but used fraudulent ones created just for him, choosing treason over transparency to steal our presidency! Recently, on a national TV “open” mic, all America accidently overheard him telling subordinates to “find a way around the Constitution,” and this from a man, who, when inaugurated swore under oath to defend that Constitution. Today, our liberty is sorely threatened. What John Jay feared has arrived in the person of Barack Obama. We do not elect dictators or kings but presidents…individuals to serve the people, not have the people serve them. Our Founders inserted this clause for anyone seeking the Presidency to insure the ideals for which they fought would be faithfully preserved for the future. Obama mocked them by ignoring this requirement or by blocking it by legal action against anyone daring to challenge him in court.

When Obama speaks to crowds he repeatedly refers to himself as  “transparent,” yet his words and actions clearly brand him as a notorious liar and deceiver. He hides all his birth and citizenship records from America, at any cost, records which should easily confirm his claim of presidential eligibility but would actually expose him as the imposter he is. That is why he refused to produce a valid birth certificate when subpoenaed to do so by a Georgia Federal Court and allowed his attorney to notify the judge (in writing) that neither he nor his attorney would appear in court to answer the subpoena. In essence, Obama told the judge that he was not bound by the Constitution. How’s that for “transparency?” Any wonder why Obama has spent millions in Court and attorney fees and expenses? It’s obvious….disclosure would mean exposure and exposure would mean expulsion…and worse!

In 2008, Obama allowed a fraudulent, ineligible Hawaiian “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) with approximately 13 bits of information, to be posted on the Daily Kos website as proof of his eligibility while aware, as a former Constitutional teacher, that only a long-form “Certificate of Live Birth,” requiring approximately 41 bits of information, was valid for one seeking the presidency. Data missing from Obama’s invalid COLB included the birth hospital name, attending physician and birth witnesses; important information required to help determine his eligibility. Also, his birth certificate number was blacked out, ignoring the COLB’s warning that “ANY ALTERATION INVALIDATES THIS CERTIFICATE.” Obama deliberately lied in claiming that his COLB was a true copy of an eligible birth certificate, a document supposedly resting in Hawaii’s Health Department files, for if true it meant both copies were ineligible for presidential aspirants. Obama continued his deception until April 2011, deceiving a nation he had sworn to serve. TREASON! This was a deliberate conspiracy designed to steal our country by usurping our Constitution, starting with Obama’s false documents to conceal his status. Further, in 2009, Obama publically displayed a letter he had sent to Kapiolani Medical Center in Hawaii, stating that he was born there. He then allowed his letter to circulate to give credence to his claim of being born in Hawaii. Keep in mind his letter was no more proof of his presidential eligibility than was his fraudulent COLB. Deception breeds more attempted deception.

When Hawaiian State Senator Sam Slom asked the hospital’s chief officer, Martha Steward, if Obama’s claim was true she would only confirm that a copy of Obama’s above letter (not a birth certificate) hangs in the office, away from public view. Also, the hospital has no public monument to Obama’s birth. The “supposed” first African-American President of our nation claims a birth hospital yet cannot get that hospital to confirm this. I’m surprised the Attorney General, Eric Holder, hasn’t declared the hospital a racial institution for not so doing! Also, some Obama family members claimed he was born in Hawaii’s Queen’s Medical Center. A damning fact stands out. NOT ONE HAWAIIAN HOSPITAL CLAIMS BEING OBAMA’S PLACE OF BIRTH. NOT ONE!  I hope Bill O’Reilly of Fox News passes this information on to his viewers and listeners.

Due to increasing challenges to Obama’s eligibility, Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie stated he personally knew the Obama family, was certain of his eligibility and would prove it with a copy of the health department birth certificate. Weeks later, he admitted that nothing could be found to confirm Obama’s eligibility. Only an obscure file with scribbled birth names, including that of a ‘barack obama.’ No “Certificate of Live Birth,” or even a “Certification of Live Birth,” the document which Obama claimed matched his Daily Kos posting. How could the Daily Kos post a copy of a document which the Health Department couldn’t find? Answer: by creating a fraudulent COLB. By citing the Daily Kos connection Obama opened himself to rebuttals. The governor’s fruitless search contradicted another lie of Obama’s, namely that he had provided proof of his eligibility. While America requested a legitimate birth certificate Obama waved what he knew to be a fraudulent COLB in their faces. Thousands have received copies of my previous letters on this issue yet not one person has offered or claimed proof that my contents are other than factual. That’s because I only use facts…not falsehoods.

Since 2010, various states sought legislation for future elections, including a requirement that only a “Certificate of Live Birth” be acceptable for presidential aspirants, incumbent or otherwise. Obama knew his COLB would not survive close scrutiny, leaving him but one avenue of deception…create another fraudulent document, this time a long-form “Certificate of Live Birth” and claim the health department recently found Obama’s in April 2011; sure enough, Obama said the health department found a document never previously mentioned or offered by Obama nor found by Governor Abercrombie nor the hospital nor the health department. Obama also said the health department had sent a copy to him which he then put on a government website and personally proclaimed to the country as proof of eligibility, as he had done previously with his fraudulent COLB. He knew that if he allowed his newly-found “Certificate of Live Birth” to be examined by experts, this new forgery would have been exposed. How so? Remember, in 2009 he claimed his COLB on the Daily Kos matched an Hawaiian health department copy, never mentioning nor offering a valid long-form “Certificate of Live Birth,” which, if existing, could have saved him and America millions in lawsuits and possibly confirmed his eligibility. How could a health department copy of Obama’s COLB disappear and, years later a long-form “Certificate of Live Birth” be found in its place? Since this 2011 “find” was also branded a fake by many experts there was but one conclusion of two; if a hospital copy truly existed and matched Obama’s copy both copies were fraudulent. If, on the other hand, no hospital copy was found, as Governor Abercrombie said, how could Obama, in 2011 obtain a copy of a non-existent document?

One particular feature of Obama’s “transparency” stands out repeatedly. When he realizes that a truthful action or answer would only confirm his presidential illegitimacy he goes silent or deceitful. An example of this was how he evaded a Long Island, New York reporter’s question to him in 2009, asking why he doesn’t simply subject his” Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) to examination by experts since he repeatedly referred all to the Daily Kos copy to justify his eligibility. Obama’s reply to the reporter was, “Am I expected to wear my birth certificate on my forehead?” Imagine, he refers everyone to what he knows is a fraudulent, ineligible document rather than producing a valid one for examination. Transparent? Who is he kidding?

Not once did Obama produce a valid “Certificate of Live Birth,” even when subpoenaed by courts. America believed we were electing a president while Obama believed he had been crowned a king. He would sacrifice (and he did) any person or expense to prevent professional scrutiny of his COLB. Why would he not release a health department “Certificate of Live Birth” copy, a simple solution to a serious challenge….unless he feared the consequences of disclosure and, as his subsequent actions confirmed, was now experiencing that fear?  Also, one federal judge even dismissed a case by claiming Obama had been “thoroughly vetted and massaged by America’s vigilant citizenry during his two year Presidential campaign” whereas, in fact, presidential vetting is not exercised by “America’s vigilant citizenry” but by elected representatives charged with obeying the Constitution. Sadly, they ignored their responsibility.

If a valid Hawaiian Birth Certificate copy had existed, as Obama claimed in 2011, why, over the years, has no Democrat asked him to release it and put this issue to rest. Answer: because they are all fearful of not only what the vault may contain but of what it may not contain. Either result would devastate the Democratic Party.

Wake up America….this story worsens!

…To Be Continued…  

Insist on Truth or Suffer the Consequences

A Letter To America

lakinWhen Dr. Terrence Lakin, former U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, began hearing of many legal challenges to Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility, he, in compliance with his sworn oath (similar to Obama’s), to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic,” went through military channels for clarification of this issue. Receiving no help, he then wrote directly to Obama, asking him to confirm that a valid “Certificate of Live Birth”(required by Hawaiian law) had been filed by him in 2008. In previous inquiries Obama never responded to others or he referred them to a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) which was posted on the Daily Kos website, as proof of his eligibility. In so doing, Obama lied to America. A COLB was not only inadequate for Presidential aspirants, as Obama, a Constitutional teacher, well knew but his copy had also been declared fraudulent by many computer document experts. Not once did Obama offer or even mention the existence of a valid “Certificate of Live Birth” (not a COLB), which might have confirmed his eligibility. Instead, he continued deceiving the nation through the 2008 election! In Col. Lakin’s case, Obama completely ignored his letter, the letter of a man who had given 18 years of faithful allegiance to America, merited a Bronze Star and became a leading flight surgeon charged with caring for the Chief of Staff’s pilots and air crews. Feeling that Obama’s authority to command had not been established, Col. Lakin refused a second deployment to Afghanistan. He was then arrested and underwent a military court-martial at which the presiding judge, Major General Carla Hawley-Bowland would not allow him to introduce any Obama records in his defense “lest they prove embarrassing to the President.” (Her words). Unbelievable! If Col. Lakin’s attorney had wished to introduce the Constitution into the records because the oath taken to defend it was contained therein, would she also have rejected that request?

The general’s concern for sparing Obama possible “embarrassment” (read: a deception being exposed) overrode any concern for the truth. The “sham” guilty verdict was followed by a dishonorable discharge, loss of all pay and benefits and imprisonment. Her kangaroo court had done its job well! A man who had served his country honorably was brought down by “Commander -in-Thief,” Barack Obama, the only President in our history who refused to produce a valid birth certificate of his own and who, unlawfully, remains in office to this day. If anyone has doubts as to how far Obama would go to continue his deception please re-read the above. No terrorist could have inflicted more serious wounds upon Col. Lakin than did Obama by his ignoring the Colonel’s request for transparency! Obama destroyed an American soldier’s career in order to keep his own career intact.

Consider: two men took an oath to defend the Constitution. One (Col. Lakin) faithfully did for 18 years while the other, Obama, used lies, false documents and the “sound of silence” (aided by a subservient News Media) as he plotted to upend, not defend that same Constitution. Remember how, just recently, he accidentally spoke before an “open” mic, and America heard him telling his aides to “find a way to get around the Constitution!” Treasonous words, which spoke volumes as to Obama’s moral honesty. To take an oath requires one to live that oath.

Obama did find time to fill out a form with names of basketball teams he favored in an upcoming tournament and to go on multiple vacations, including one to Hawaii at the same time Lt. Col. Lakin was “leaving” for the penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas. How sad….one traveled in comfort, the other in chains! Why? For seeking confirmation that the service and salute which each serviceman and woman rendered to their President was being received by someone entitled to command their allegiance. Col. Lakin, who spent years mending broken bodies now found himself incapacitated not by enemy action but by a man who repeatedly boasted of being “transparent”…..unless his eligibility was being questioned. I pray that all recipients of this letter add their voices to the call for vindication and restoration of Lt. Col. Lakin to the Army, if he so desires and to demand that Obama, who constantly boasts of being “transparent” be ordered to produce whatever birth documents (if any) are in the Hawaiian Health Department files and submit them to an impartial analysis for verification. After the manner in which he treated Col. Lakin and others, we cannot expect Obama to voluntarily produce any records. After all, in his own words in Newsday, August 22, 2010 in New York, he unwittingly characterized himself when he said: “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide”. AMEN.

…To Be Continued…


Several years ago, I started reading and talking to others who were seeking the truth about Obama’s eligibility. Today, I have no doubt he is a fraudulent pretender who has stolen our Presidency. He has used every trick possible to avoid having to show valid proof of his eligibility, even going as far as utilizing fraudulent documents. His willingness to destroy challengers at any cost and the manner which he employs shows contempt for truth and our Constitution. Producing a valid Certificate of Live Birth could have resolved this issue years ago. Even recently, his attorney notified a Georgia court that a subpoena issued which ordered Obama to appear in court would be ignored by him and neither Obama nor his attorney would appear in court to answer it….and they didn’t. Sadly, the court acquiesced to him and Obama runs around telling listeners that Mitt Romney should exhibit “transparency” by releasing his prior tax returns. What a mockery. This is why I have devoted the above article to contrasting the courage of Col. Lakin to the cowardice of Barack Obama.


Comments (3)

  1. ellen

    Obama has shown both his Hawaii short-form BC (the Certification of Live Birth, COLB, which is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, used by thousands of people to get their US passports every year, and, BTW, he showed it way back in June 2008, five months before the election), and he has shown his long form Hawaii BC.

    And the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent them to him, and that all the facts, repeat ALL the facts, are exactly the same, repeat, EXACTLY the same, as what they sent to him. The fact that Hawaii issued a birth certificate for Obama in 1961 (when Hawaii was not allowed by its law to issue birth certificates to children born outside of Hawaii) is also confirmed by the public Index Data file and the birth notice in the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the newspapers (which ONLY the DOH could send birth notices to) and by the INS inspector who checked on Obama’s father’s status and wrote: “one child, born in Honolulu”—and by the Hawaii teacher who wrote home about Stanley having a baby.

    And there is no indication whatever that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did at the time and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad in the last few months of pregnancy. Yet birthers hope a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that both of those happened and that Obama’s birth certificate is forged and the officials of both parties are lying and the Index Data and the birth notices are forged and the INS inspector made an error in his “one child, born in Honolulu” note and the teacher who wrote home was lying. But you’d have to be terribly GULLIBLE to think that all of that happened.

    BTW, Lakin refused to obey a perfectly legal military order–“go to Afghanistan”—which was given to him by a superior officer (and that officer was not Obama). As a doctor he could have helped save American soldiers’ lives in Afghanistan, and yet he refused that order out of the nutty idea that Obama might not have been born in Hawaii. (Well, the fact that Obama WAS born in Hawaii has been shown overwhelmingly, so the fact that there are nuts in the world does not change that matter.)

    1. Pat Shannan

      Ellen, you should go back and read paragraphs 4, 5, & 6 of Mr. Quinn’s insightful piece. The birth documents you cite as “legal” were long ago proven to be forgeries. The second “long form Hawaiian birth certificate” finally submitted in 2011 was not a birth certificate at all but only a slightly less obvious forgery created by 21st century computers. Also, the website you post here is hardly a legitimate source of truth.

  2. Bonita Lueck

    Valuable article ! I loved the analysis , Does someone know if my company might locate a blank 2011 NY DOH-2168 example to edit ?

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